Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

I think fantasy is kind of a given, but I’m not sure if it fits the adventure tag; in an adventure, anything can happen; you’re your own person, and you could encounter plots, perils and friends along the way. In this, you know your purpose; everything is set out with an underlying goal. Not to mention that the majority of the story (so far) is set in or around Olympus, so it’s more of a bottleneck story (again, so far) than an adventure.

I’m not sure what you plan to do with the odysseys, but as long as you take certain liberties, I’m sure they could be held to the adventure tag.

Aeson kind of exists to be the hero, so I don’t know if he’s applicable to real life, but (and this is my personal opinion) the other characters are kind of one-dimensional; they act how they’ve been told to act, and they have one personality and nothing outside that i.e. no deep emotional fronts, feelings or personality traits that they may be keeping under wraps. Of course there are many hints to this happening, but I feel like it’s isolated to the gang and not many else. They could exist outside of the plot, probably; but I think they would struggle outside of Olympus. Although, to be fair I only have one or two playthroughs, both of which are quite similar in terms of plots and RO’s, so there may be dialogue that I’ve missed that render this feeling null and void. Consider it me not doing my research in this particular area.

Now, I feel it prudent to mention two things: the first is that this is entirely within the context of the story; the discussion of the thread has provided us with masses of emotional theories and feelings that are applicable, some of which you’ve given us yourself, but I only mention it because it isn’t shown in the story to my knowledge.

The second is that…we’re really early in the game so far; literally everything I’ve just said could be disproved later in the story, or even in the next update. It may even be disproved even sooner than that by others.

The explanation for the Essence is (to me) relatively straightforward in its origins. The one snag is that the Essence itself is relatively vague; I recall numerous discussions about what we would do with our omnipotence only to find out that we weren’t actually going to be all-powerful. I don’t even know if we will be now, but that’s nobody’s fault except for mine, probably.

So there are the answers from my POV; please don’t smite me for all the negatives, I legitimately adore this story. As history has dictated.


High (mythos) fantasy comes to mind for me.

As in for the genre, I agree with Mara, it’s mainly an adventure story but it does have some subgenres, like heroic fantasy or tragedy if you consider the protagonist’s fate. And it’s kinda like a mythopoeia too.

Do the characters feel real? Well, most of them do. I haven’t met anyone so invasive like Saint but there’s little background on him, so maybe that can be explained. The rest are consistent enough considering the life they’ve had. Aeson’s whole “mightiest hero” shit it’s kind of annoying but, like I said, the lives they’ve led made them this way. Short answer, yeah, they are real enough.

The pacing is great, you say enough to make everything understandable but you don’t say anything that might give the story away, you got the perfect balance of both.

The Essence…first time I read it I didn’t quite get what it was or how it worked, but as the story progresses you get the hand of it. The flashbacks are something that some people might find unnecesary or boring. I think neither, but I understand why some would, they find jumping from one story to another a bit of a turn off.

Asking is against forum rules.

Oh I’m sorry I forgot

Would you like the title updated so people who aren’t carefully following the thread know you asked for feedback? (:

Just a little curious, but is it possible for either Zeus or Hades to turn out to be the MC’s father? I have been experimenting with a few skills and physical aspects and my MC always turns out to be the child of Poseidon.

Isn’t there a FAQ somewhere?


I’m not sure. Not what I have seen, thus asking directly. Also, thank you.

I dont know if there is one but i would made one for the next update.

I feel great about the all re-writing thing. As much as i liked the story there is always room for improvement.
I must say that the relationship with Saint and even Calipso seemed a bit rush? I prefered the way thing developed with Aeson, it just felt more…hesitant but in a good way? HE felt the most real.

mmmmh I just hope the story will gain in term of depth (considering the boundary of this kind of “product”).

Anyway, it was nice to hear what is happening. Even though it would be rude tormenting the author with question,sometimes it IS hard not to do so when a project is so interesting and just plain nice.

I hope it remains a passion for much longer.


I felt that the characters had realistic personalities. They might seem a little one dimensional at first but if you really read their interactions there seems to be more under the surface.

Real people tend to fall into “roles” expecially in established groups like the scooby gang. It’s when they act against their “role” that you start seeing the layers. Calypso getting shy around Aeson, Saints seemingly bipolar reactions to the Bearer, Adonis reaction to being kissed etc. The reason these scenes get so many comments is because they feel like glimpses into real people’s personalities, but we don’t yet have enough info to see the big picture of who they are.

I think @Rohie has done a surprisingly good job of developing these characters considering how early we are in the story.


@terriermon50, @poison_mara & @vodak the FAQ is here: Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

And say thank you to @ashestoashes018 who was so nice to write it.


I get your point. We are considering just a small portion of this story. eh, I know that I would gladly read the whole story,but it can’t be help.

I was able to reach 80+% for wit and when I read the stats from the personality stats, it only displays “Your.”

That already happened to me.

Our MC was so smart they telepathically ripped the description from the stat screen.


You know, that’s a brilliant explanation. It makes sense they gain telepathy and memory altering powers and were able to erase the knowledge of how smart they are, forcing everyone to underestimate them. Brilliant.


Ugh!!! I keep getting Poseidon as my dad no matter what I do! At first I thought it was the choice of eye colors(but I read it wasn’t) then I changed my personality from charming to reserved but the results are always Poseidon no matter the choices I make! In future updates can we have the choice to choose our own dad? Please :sweat: I really enjoy the story but I really wanted to be the child of Hades but with the charming kind personality. It can be that I have my mothers personality.
Keep up the good work tho. I love the story so far, I keep restarting when I find out Poseidon is my dad to try to change the results so I haven’t progressed passed that yet.

@ashestoashes018 has written an extensive FAQ that I’m too lazy to ask put into the first post…sorry, I’ll work on that.

But to answer your question; try killing Saxon (the brown haired Seeker during the flashback sequence) for different results. Anyone who passes up the choice to kill him will automatically get Poseidon as a father.


Thank you for telling me. Aw I really didn’t want to kill anyone :cry: so now I need to decide whether being Hades son is worth it or decide to be like Percy Jackson :kissing_closed_eyes:
any ways thank you for the help.

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