Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

As far as I can figure it is either intentional or an oversight of the author having originally written this with a female mc in mind, much like Choice of Romance, before changing tack and adding a gender choice.

As far as male height goes I’ve had a pretty comprehensive discussion about that with our resident tiger more then a year ago now (how time flies).

Still the mc may yet prove taller then some of the other male characters, however what irks me is that the mc is always shorter then his family members, Aeson and Saint. The heights for some of the other guys have not been established in the text yet, so it is possible that a tall mc might be a bit taller then say Santiago.

But yeah, generally the height option for male mc is currently a bit of a joke choice without any real effects.

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What ShadowWolf said. After the Viagra jokes, it was time for something fresh.

At least the gun from Hades is fairly straightforward.


So is the trident. At least that weapon follows Poseidon’s motif.

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Good point! I think that the pill will unlock the lightning powers.

The pill will probably just get rid of any guilt the MC feels when they cheat on their spouse.


Another possible idea!

Mmmm yes. This bit of info is coming back to me now after being buried under how many posts ago :))

A+ reminder! Thank you!

As to the pill, aside from The Matrix references + viagra jokes, maybe it’s a power enhancer (based on if you choose magic vs strength)? Zeus is secretly doping up the MC //brick’d

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Aeson’s weapon is probably a lot more straightforward that the Hades Bearer’s weapon; the Golden Boy of Olympus has a Scythe after all. :sweat_smile:

I think @Rohie had at one point mentioned that Saint is actually able to be some lightning manipulation himself.

Zeus Bearers are never going to get a break from the jokes about their weapon, are they? :sweat_smile:

So I thought to ask my friends yesterday about things that could be discussed about Children of the Gods. So they told me to give them a moment…and today they sent me pick-up lines (don’t know if they found them somewhere or literally took a whole day thinking about pick-up lines to send me the next day). Here’s a few of them.

  • Are you a daughter of Hades? Because you’re drop dead gorgeous.

  • Are you Greek? No? I thought all the Gods were Greek.

  • You must be Apollo’s kid, because your voice is music to my ears.

  • One of Hermes’ kids, right? I knew it the moment you kept running through my mind.

  • You sure you’re not Hestia’s kid? Because the thought of you keeps me warm.

  • Hephaestus’ kid, huh? You must be really good with your hands.

I’m torn between laughing and groaning right now. :sweat_smile:


Ugh…It’s so terrible it’s funny :joy:


I got one.
Are you a child of Kronos? Cause when I look at you time stops.



The scary part is, these are the tamer pick-up lines they gave me. The others…aren’t really family friendly, to put it simply :sweat_smile:. They also gave me a lot of Poseidon types ones after hearing that my main Bearer (Evander) is Poseidon’s kid…but I don’t think I can post most of them here (they’re not so family friendly).

This one feels the safest out of all of them:

  • Are you a child of Poseidon? Because you’re sex-sea.

You know for fun, I’m just going to put up one of the light romance scenes (like some flirting is involved or there’s this clear hint of subtle attraction coming into play between the two characters) that involve Calypso or Adonis, just in case the newer readers of Children of the Gods were curious about seeing what they are like and giving their own views on the scenes (pretty sure the rest of us know about these two scenes).


You turn to her. “Today was wild, huh?”

Calypso nods, smiling. “All because of you, no doubt. I knew you’d make things fun.”

You shake your head. “Nah. But I’m glad you were around.”

Calypso pauses, her lips pursed. “Oh.” she says, her cheeks reddening. “Uh, thanks.”

As you enter the hall your room is held in, you say goodnight to her, keeping your voice down.

Before she turns the corner, she shoots an invisible arrow at you, smiling coyly. “Night night, (Bearer’s Name).”


“Oh,” you say simply. “She was a friend?”

Adonis smiles his angel smile, all innocence. “A friend like Saint, or a friend like you?”

You pause. “Is there a difference?”

Adonis laughs, the sound bouncing off the walls like a music note. Then, he stops, turning to you. The moonlight reflects off the side of his face, outlining his cheekbones, his nose, his lips.

He leans in.

Then he pauses, noting your expression.

You stare.

“I’m not sure.” he says, finally. He leans away from you.


I haven’t been able to get to those scenes much less meet calypso or Adonis. My demo continually gets errors saying it failed or something.


I also cant get pass the hospital scene

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Nobody can do that now. But you can read the games code to read the story a bit further

I swear I meant to answer this sooner, I do apologize for that :sweat_smile:

I agree with everything you said. She always thought of the MC as the killer of her brother, so of course she’d hate the guts out of us. But she can be caught off guard if we decide to approach her even after she’s tried to kill us. She is probably like, “I literally tried to kill you 10 seconds ago, why are you even talking to me.” And after given some time I think she starts to doubt herself about the monster she made us out to be, and is willing to give us a chance to…talk. I also think she is probably the kind of person that doesn’t realize they’re in love until it hits them on the face, which kinda explains the knife throwing at our picture (that is so anime-like. I love it).).

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Who is the person who sees that the MC is awake?

If you mean the girl it’s Avery, if you mean the goddess it’s Demeter

So Demeter is the first deity we run into?

She is first goddess mc meet in Olympus

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