Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

True. Guess I’ll just blur it and hope that it will be enough.



The wolf has given their warning. :wolf:

At =10, it reads “She’s finally fullfilled her dream of strangling you. She sleeps well at night with that memory fresh in her mind.” …I’ll admit, my automatic reaction was ‘GEEZUS :fearful:’ I feel like I was personally underestimating the hatred she has toward the Bearer, thinking that just being a nice Bearer would help soften her up somewhat. this girl’s resentment runs really deep.

at more >10, it reads “She believes you’re attempting to drive her to the brink of insanity with your constant interactions.” Sage is clearly has her deeply rooted hatred toward the Bearer. It’s not surprising to see then, that she is simultaneously wary and flat out confused by the fact the Bearer is interacting with her at all, considering the circumstances of their first meeting. It must be doubly confusing when the Bearer doesn’t act like how she’s been expecting her brother’s murderer to be like.

At >30, “You must have a death wish, truly.” Honestly…this line amuses me the most :laughing:. Like, even the game is lamp-shading how resilient (or just plain reckless) the Bearer must be to have gotten the relationship to this point. That said, while there’s still hostility in the words, the resent doesn’t feel as severe. Maybe that an indication that a tiny bit of her anger is softening up.

Now this is the part that caught me my attention and brings up a good few questions.

If her romance gets triggered, it reads “She often finds herself throwing knives at a picture of your face in bitter frustration.” There still that feel of resentment and hostility even in the romance description…But I have two major question about the wording.

1) How and why does she have a picture of Bearer? The fact a picture of the Bearer exists at the moment could indicate that the romance itself could be triggered some time after the First Trial, when people might be getting less fearful and more curious about the Bearer, to the point some are taking pictures of this infamous celebrity connected to Olympus’ Golden Boy Aeson. Either way, Sage would’ve had to gone out of her way to actually get a picture of the Bearer if it is a photography (or, who knows, maybe she is into photography, which I’ll admit would be quite surprising) or actively been looking for something that has the Bearer’s picture on it.

2) What exactly is causing her to experience bitter frustration? the fact that she knows she’s got feelings for the bearer at all and feels it is all types of wrong (possibly because of her resentment or possibly because of some guilt for her actions toward them in the past). Or (the most out there theory I can make) she’s feeling frustrated because she isn’t able to land a single knife on the Bearer’s picture. Not because she isn’t able to skill-wise; but subconsciously, she CAN’T bring herself to do it, leaving knives planted everywhere BUT the picture of the Bearer. Either way, it seems that Sage is likely going to be struggling greatly with the possibility that she is growing feelings for the Bearer and may not even know what to do about it.

Well I got that off my chest. :grin:


As someone who’s liked Sage from the beginning, thank you. :grin:


What you found about sage certainly are interesting. And about your question,

  1. if memory serves me right, Adonis also have many photos for the group meeting, and there also mc in some of them, my theory is:
  • she can be saint “source” of the photos (which maybe lead to conclusion that sage do love photography).

  • she can be other seeker/spy to enemy or others.

  • maybe bearer photo is already published after trial just like you said, because I guessing first trial already over by the time mc reached sage relationship that high.

  1. her first goal is actually kill mc for revenge, so my personal opinion is her problem is both. resentment, guild, and her love to mc. It’s may unbelievable but feeling like that do exist, love can be really complicated.(now I sound like Aphrodite…)

And I must say all of this make me more eager and curious about romancing sage

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Taking a guess that you clicked on the blurry lines, how do you feel about Sage’s relationship descriptions personally (might want to keep your thoughts in spoilers for the sake of the others, who may not want to know this information yet).


I always wondered how Saint and CO got a picture of you in the first place. It has to have been one from your time on the run, since they can’t have had time to snap one of you on Olympus given tht you’ve just arrived; plus, how would they have done it without you knowing? It’s probably a terrible picture, then. I wanted there to have been an option to ask abt it, because my MCS were creeped out.


I’m just looking forward to getting past the bug and meeting everybody!

Ahh Sage is cute I hope I get a dartboard picture too :blush:

Yes, it’s a bug that get in a way of the demo, it will fixed in next update

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You know, now that you guys are pointing it out, it does feel odd that they managed to get a picture of the Bearer at their current age. But it also makes some sense in regards to the Seekers

The Seekers would have had to have some reference to go by when looking for the Bearer to bring him to Olympus, so them having a picture of the Bearer seems logical. It could’ve been a case where a group of Seekers were first sent to get a picture of the Bearer so that the rest of the Seekers from the other groups. Considering that Saint is a Seeker himself, I would’t be surprised if he was able to make a copy of picture the Seekers had without raising suspicion and bring it for Aeson’s photo collection.

…Um, just giving you a heads-up: Sage and Santiago aren’t exactly known for making good first impressions (most of the time). :sweat_smile:

I would question your Bearer’s sense of self-preservation. But like I said before, Evander’s most likely RO is going to be Calypso, who @Rohie describes as a paradox, and whose father is Ares, one of the Gods who has it out for him.

Still feel like I need to see Sage more to see what would be considered a cute side for her.

Onto a personal thought:

I’m beginning to like the idea of Sage having a talent and love for photography. I mean, you do need to have a sharp eye and quick fingers to capture a moment (something I see Sage naturally having). but a photographer also needs to have a good amount of patience when waiting to capture that perfect moment, and a openness to explore how they take the pictures, something that seems to counteract the way Sage seem to handle situations.

And the idea of her eventually involving the Bearer (who she is friends with of dating) in her little picture-taking adventures sounds…oddly sweet, just from imagining her being relaxed as she takes pictures of things that gives her peace (including the Bearer; they’re her unaware model in the environment :laughing:). And surprisingly normal, considering that I don’t really think that most Demigods from Olympus have simple hobbies.

I wonder about the other ROs’ hobbies and how . Of the ones that the Bearer has been interacting with the most at the moment, we know Adonis loves blacksmithing and Calypso takes great enjoyment out of sparring and training. But I wonder if even the two of them (along with the other ROs) possibly simpler hobbies and if they would eventually .

Hopefully the Bearer will be able to pick out a hobby to do while on Olympus themselves. Probably going to need something to occupy themselves while everyone is wary of them in the beginning.


Say what? As soon as Sage appeared I instantly went “she’s perfect!” :blush:

I actually thought about that before (nowhere near as in depth as you, but still) and I think it’d be super sweet if/when our bearers get to go on a date with Sage and she’s taking pictures of them and stuff…

Adonis: Hardcore Anime fan
Saint: D&D aficionado
Calypso: Hiking
Santiago: Gardening
Sage: Photography or drawing/painting
Avery: Dabbles with remixing music
Aeson: Gamer

Edit: @Vattena, you are correct; I had completely forgotten about that :sweat_smile:


Not going to surprised about this, but…

snort Calypso? Reading? aren’t she said that library are the most boring place when tour mc?

Considering that she like to training at Forest with ares(if memory serves me right) and adore Artemis, this is suit her


Ah, but according to Bearer-mine, such a thing does not exist.


LMFAO, just little high allure stat things. Gaunt chic? Thrift store couture?


Santi strikes me more as the type to lounge about in his family’s fancy gardens while the gardeners do all of the actual gardening and landscaping. If the boy fancies himself a gardener at all he likely just “supervises” them (and knows a lot about poisons presumably).

Why would he need to be a hero vicariously when he is already the perfect real-life superman? (Unless what he likes to play and live vicariously are the villains, that would make a bit more sense).

Is there a gaming group who could put up with Saint’s shall we say awkward social and conversational graces? At least on Olympus, I could have totally seen it if he had been allowed to grow up like an “ordinary” "Murican kid, like the mc, but on Olympus it seems to me like elite demigods don’t get to be awkward geeks, particularly not sons of Zeus himself.

Now this I could see.

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I know that Sage won’t be pleasant to deal with. But that doesn’t mean I can’t look forward to seeing what happens!

N/a, if he dies he reincarnates.

She’s perfect.

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Seems to me death is worse for the bearer. There is no afterlife for them and their reincarnated self will have no memory of the past life for 95% of their life at least. Not like we remember the last life we had yet. Most likely if we die we will have been forgotten by the time we reincarnated since there is the indeterminate amount of time spent dormant between lives.

There seems to be certain scenes where I get an error so right now I’m stuck with waking up and four options and each option I pick it says error please fix this. It’s the part where you where you wake up in a coma after a week and a blonde girl tells you if you are ok and I’ve played this before in the past and I know there is more to the story after this scene but I never had this error occur to me before`
Please fix quickly. I enjoy this so much!
