Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Yukano got Hermes.

Your soulmate is Hermes, and your predominant psychological trait is Vitality.
You are happy, optimistic, and realistic. You find being yourself rewarding, and tend to trust your own judgment. You keep a positive attitude, you radiate joy, and you know how to enjoy life. Your motto is: “Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.” That’s why your soulmate is Hermes. He was the Messenger of the Gods. He moved freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine. That trickster outwitted gods for his own satisfaction or the sake of humankind. In your past life, a majestic palace was created for you and Hermes, and the gods granted their command that you two should die at the same moment.

Kurina got Hades, like @rose-court!!
Oh! While I’ve got your attention, Yukano being enamoured with Santi’s hair? Take a look at this. Yukano is Hamilton, minus calling him shit, Saint would probably be Burr, and Santi’s Jefferson. Whoever the poor soul that asks why Yukano is sulking is can be Laurens; I’m imagining Caly.

I got… Zeus. Somehow. This sounds nothing like me.

Your soulmate is Zeus, and your predominant psychological trait is Orderliness.
You keep your house clean, you are extremely efficient, and people see you as dependable and faithful. You strive to achievement, adhere to rules, and deal with problems right when the arise. Your motto is: “I am a big believer that orderliness begets wealth.” That’s why your soulmate is Zeus. He was the King and father of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus, and the god of the sky, law, and justice. He overthrew his opponent by castrating him and gained the sovereignty of heaven for himself. In your past life, you gave up your seat as one of the Twelve Olympians in his favor.

Well, at least neither of my girls is soulmates with their dad… or Santi’s… Kurina’s next chat with “Uncle Henry” will be a bit awkward, though. Poor Yukano, just another reason for Sage to attack her

It feels weird to say it about my own character, but Yukano is a cinnamon roll. She just wants everyone to be happy, and healthy, and alive, and well fed. She did nothing to deserve this. She’s haunted by Benji’s and Saxon’s deaths, despite neither being her fault directly. She also blames herself for the Seeker that killed themselves during class since she was right on top of them, but still didn’t manage to stop them.

If I had to give the girls theme songs?


  • That Would Be Enough (I recently joined the Hamilton fandom, so… ^^;; Also, she would totally sing the crap out of this to an RO.
    I actually headcannon that she asks Adonis to sing for her, and is so enchanted that she jokes that she almost fell for him right there. She then demonstrates that she too can sing by singing “No Good Deed” around Calypso. Then, she pauses, and starts the song over replacing Fiyero with Calypso, Nessa with Saint, and Doctor Dillamond with Aunt Alice. Then, if Caly gets flustered, she innocently giggles and comments that Calypso’s name just fit so perfectly in the space.
  • Drop Pop Candy


  • Wait for It (She wasn’t satisfied believing that the people she loves were just taken from her. But, she also wan’t sure how to go about finding out the reason. She was prepared to let the answers come to her, though, whenever they do. This might actually be a good one for Aeson.)
  • My R (She wanted to give up a lot after “Aunt Alice” disappeared, but she eventually convinced herself that she would never get the answers she wanted if she couldn’t wait for them.)

I didn’t think about it until I was looking over songs I liked, whilst having CoG in mind, but this makes me think of Avery after all the talk of Requited/Unrequited love, and how she’s apparently a selfish, envious person… but Anna’s cover of this song, and this animatic makes me think of Avery. So… Hellfire.

Also, after listening to Non-Stop, I’m starting to think that Aeson pretty closely resembles Hamilton for the time being.


ooooh interesting. i’m curious about that too, keep me posted lol.

OMG Hamilton!! I haven’t talked about that in a while! Glad to see another fan! Yay for you!

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Made of abs? Please. I just sprinkled them on the salad. Unlike some people, I know the meaning of self-control.

Now, I’ll admit I put way too much Sage in my food.


How many times did you choke while eating? I mean,Sage is literally out to kill us (bad joke, sorry)


She’s a spicy little thing, but she makes meals more interesting. :stuck_out_tongue: I mean, it’s good to offset sweet foods with a touch of bitterness.


It’s like eating candy too fast,It might kill but it’s good :ok_hand:


On another note, I ran Dagon’s personality through a different playbuzz quiz (‘Which Greek God or Goddess would you Date?’).

I got Athena.

I have several questions, Dagon.


I’ll get the therapist for him and my Damon (who had also gotten Athena). :sweat_smile:

Evander himself had gotten Artemis; guess my scruffy puppy might have a thing for huntresses. :laughing:


All these freakin’ kids need therapy, holy crap.


Uh, it’s 3 AM and I couldn’t sleep so I made some faux instagram moodboards for Elias and Electra.


Does Olympus even allow instagram? Is there a divine knock-off version? Olympus-gram? Would Aeson post puppy pictures?

i’m tired.


That is something I’ve been wondering for like three months now.
Cally says Olympus has powerful enough wifi to send emails home, well damn gurl show give us the damn wifi password, Vess needs to torrent a bunch of music and movies since she’s been gone. My girl is d y i n g.


Well, Avery did make mentions about how she wish she could blog the moment she was witnessing the Bearer having during her writing short, so I can see some Demigods (if they had the time for it) having such websites available to them.

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But then they’d have to keep non-Olympians from finding their websites. Which demigods would handle IT?


Or maybe people just wouldn’t believe them if they read their blogs, I’m pretty sure if I read about a blog that speaks about gods and adventures I wouldn’t believe the person who wrote that


Maybe the specific social stuff stays more on Olympus and other websites that are clearly not meant to be seen by human eyes.

And maybe one of the Gods created some form of magic to make sure that nothing too exposing gets leaked from the multiple available websites (though it can probably only do so much, and there ends up being some leaks). :thinking:

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I would imagine Hermes and Hephaestus would handle the WiFi and technology. This answer is heavily influenced by class of the titans.


Sounds legit to me.

Though it’d be funny if the creation of Olympus’ Wi-Fi was a male mage, just so we can all say ‘a wizard did it’.

That said, hearing that a another Calypso short is currently in the making has currently got me like this:



A Calypso short? Yahoo!

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It was stated on the Tumblr (when a anon asked about the possibility of a Calypso short) that one was in the process of being written while blushing was occurring. So I’m really curious about what kind of short it will be.

That aside:

Has anyone been thinking about their Bearer’s possible traumas, the effects it may have on them, and just how deeply it runs in their beings? We know that our Bearers will have varying levels of PTSD, but what does that mean for each of our Bearers? Are they at some stage where they can partially face that trauma or do they still struggle with it in some way? How do they cope and what are their triggers?

I couldn’t help but think about it a bit more after watching this episode of Extra Credits (it was a pretty interesting episode: my favorite line has got to be ‘_____ is not OK, and that is OK’).


That’s something I’m trying to figure out with my Bearer. One of my current headcanons is that he’s got some sort of Agoraphobia due to associating crowds with the Hunters/Seekers. He can handle things like going to class (the fact that it’s something normal in comparison also helps), but would freak out somewhat when Aeson first came back to Olympus. And, of course, the fact that he was effectively homeless for most of those three years while his new friends actually had someplace to go home to regularly and people to care about them doesn’t help things. Plus the reactions from some of the other demigods grates on him.
…That’s actually something I’d like to make sense of for later.