Case of Peter Blagojevitz (WIP) (Updated 29/01/2020)

Step into the 18th century village of Kisilova, and explore one of the oldest and most famous cases of vampire hysteria.The inhabitants of Kisilova are convinced a local man, Peter Blagojevitz, has returned from the dead to terrorise them, but that can’t be true, can it?

More Info

I will be working on this when I’m not working on Over the Great River, as I feel this one will allow me to better experiment with tone and writing techniques


It is the 18th century, the inhabitants of a Serbian village under the authority of the Austrian monarchy are convinced one of their recently deceased neighbours has become a vampire, to make it worse two other people have recently been gruesomely murdered in their homes, forcing the Archduke to send an investigator, but after he is murdered by Blagojevitz,who is indeed a vampire, the towns people are forced to seek help from you, a 500 year old half vampire


Nothing planned for now, that might change though


18/01/2020- Created
19/01/2020- Added the MC introduction scene
29/01/2020- Introduced a new character

Expectations for the final game
-400k words
-Play as male, female or non-binary
-Investigate the rumours of vampires in the village
-Keep your status as a loner or accept the help from the more brave villagers
-Surrender yourself to your inner rage, or conquer your feral side
-5 different endings
-Destroy the evil terrorising the village or just focus on getting out with your skin intact


I love this concept! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll keep an eye out for this WIP, this should be very interesting.

That said, I’ve noticed some things in the demo:

  • It seems that the MC’s personality and the way the react to their surroundings is very much fixed (like their cursing and dismissing the peasants’ superstitions and so on), is the MC going to be a defined character for the duration of the game or are we going to be allowed to define who they are through our choices? I know it’s just a short demo, but right now it’s kind of discouraging how the only choice we can make is a fake one.

  • Is choosing our gender something that is going to be written in later on? I don’t know German but the priest calls us Herr, isn’t that a masculine form of address? (Also, will we be able to choose our name?)

  • Every single sentence that should end in a period, doesn’t.


I’m gonna try to answer that without spoiling it (at least I’ll try), but the character from the beginning is not the MC


Oh, interesting! :smirk:

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Can you be evil?


Yeah, I suppose so


Just reading through the summary caught my attention

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Update 19/01/2020

I stayed up until 3 am to accomplish writing in the MC introduction scene, and wrap up the game’s introduction in a coherent manner,

Now I’m gonna go sleep until 6pm


Oh interesting, will keep an eye on this, I like the premise of the MC, assume we get to learn the MC became what they are, my imagination has thought of few ways :slight_smile:

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Why did you anglicise the name in title?

Sounds awsome can’t wait for more

Update 29/01/2020

I’d like to say I’ve been working on this for the past ten days but that would be a lie, I just didn’t feel like writing, that being said in this update I introduced a new character and certain new element into the story, there will quite likely be bugs in the code as I didn’t have the time to check it all out


For the benefit of the people that don’t speak Serbo-Croatian

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How does that benefit anyone? I think it just adds more confusion.

Parson me, but how is using anglisized versions in English text confusing? :thinking: Just out of curiosity. What is the original form of the name?

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Because they’d pronounce Petar Blagojević as “Pitar Blagojevik” or “Pitar Blagoževik” depending on the country of origin

And people generally aren’t interested in reading something If they can’t even pronounce it

Lastly the beginning of the Title is in English, doing the name in Serbo-Croatian would just be confusing


The original form of the name would be “Petar Blagojević/ Петар БлагоjевиЋ”

Translating from one language to another is just confusing. Here both versions of name are similar so there is no big problem. But I was reading a certain book few years back and it said there was a french king named Ljudevit XV. There was no french king named Ljudevit XV, only Louis XV. And it is generally bad practice to translate names. If all names should be translated just imagine what chaos would be caused around the world. You would be called Pierre in France, Peter in England, Пётр (Pyotr) in Russia, Petar in countries of former SFR Yugoslavia and Petros in Greece. There is a reason such practice was stopped. I don’t mind it, it is just bad practice. And to learn how to pronounce few names would take you a minute using Google. With name like Peter all versions I listed are similar, but for some names they are not even close, for example Ivan and John. Also some names simply don’t have their counterparts in other languages so they are impossible to translate, for example Ladislav or Vladimir has no counterpart in other languages as it is ethnic name. So instead of dealing with all of that, it is easier just to use original names of people. For example my name is Luka, not Luca, not Lucas, not Luke it’s Luka.

After I reread it for any typing mistakes I see it may seem that I am being very rude while reading this. It is not my intention. I am just trying to state my opinion on the subject, which has been formed on my experience and my preferences.

But (unless you mean all names should be written in their natural alphabet), how do you write a name from one writing system in another without any kind of translation? Cyrillic alphabet has more characters than the Latin one English is using (and apparently Serbo-Croatian has some I’m not familiar with, I don’t recognize Ћ), you can’t just match it letter by letter, because… letters don’t match. :thinking:

I get your point but that (at least in my personal experience) already happens

In Slovakia, Czechia and Poland they call me Vasil
In Russia it becomes Vasilij/ Vasilj
In France it gets transformed into Vasili
In ex SFRY its of course Vasilije
In Greece it’s either Vasilakis or Vasili depending on where I’m going

Though I once again get your point I guess since personally I’ve resigned, I don’t really pay attention to the translation of names

(I also realise that I’m in a similar situation as the name Petar, but It really doesn’t matter in this context)