Can't post my Demo


  1. First download this version of compile.html:
    Dropbox - compile.html - Simplify your life

EDIT: The currently shipped version of compile.html in recent builds should work fine, there’s no to download the above version unless you’re having problems.

Look in your game’s top directory where the test files and the like are:

Replace the current compile.html with the one you just downloaded (very important!).

  1. Open your new compile.html in Firefox, after a variable amount of time (not too long though) you should see something similar to the following:

  2. As instructed, download the file. That file should be a .html file and it should be a working copy of your game.

  3. Upload this new mygame.html file to dropbox (doesn’t matter where).

  4. Once it’s uploaded you need to obtain the sharing link, the method for which varies slightly depending on whether you do it through or the dropbox application.

  5. Once you have the link (it should look something a little like the one below)
    Dropbox - mygame_complete.html - Simplify your life

Replace “www” with “dl” and “dropbox” with “dropboxusercontent”, like this:

There you have, did that make sense?
I’m sorry it’s not a bit easier, but it’s the best I can do right now.
I did try and make some changes to the compile file that would allow it to be uploaded to Dropbox and give you the link automatically, but the API doesn’t want to work locally :confused: