(WIP) Broken Fable [182k Public, 215k Patreon. Updated 4/16/24]

That was a blast of a read, literally can’t wait for more!


Damn, thats some mighty fine math and research. Will definitly change the age to something much closer in the next update, thanks!

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So he should be around 2500-2600 years old by now, right?


Are these the only god/fables you’ll have?

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well yea that would happen with zeus vs ares but not with the others since ares seem to like the other characters he even asked them for a sparing match after they chat with each other but that didn’t happen with zeus since there sworn enemies since zeus pretty much killed his farther.

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That is kind of incorrect Ares asked for a duel to the death and then MC asked if they could chat first and he obliged and then the duel to the death happened notice the keyword DEATH


true but again as i said before this website is called choice of games aka you choose what the character says and douse in the games so the character your playing as other then zeus could of said no i wont fight you in a death match but if you want a friendly match i would oblige to that Alexander and then Alexander says to the stranger well ok then i agree why not as long as i get to fight,then the stranger says ok then lets get started and then the battle aka fight begins…

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Killing Alex, could also be for plot reasons, plus we are still to early into the story to demand choices. MC’s need a set background for us to build up from. You can’t build a house without a foundation first. And choices are to help guide the MC towards your preferred endings and and type of MC. But remember at the end of the day it’s the author’s choice to decide where you can have the freedom to mold your character and where they set it in stone.


But that would mean you aren’t just making choices for yourself you are making choices for other people you cannot change how someone thinks and acts by just saying “Let’s have a friendly match instead” Ares wanted a fight to the death and if you would have declined he would have probably still attacked you remember this guy is the God of WAR not peace and friendship but WAR and the embodiment of the chaos and destruction it brings


this is why I think Alex is still alive, like he’s present in every character’s background, or his death will be important later on.


Not gonna to much into spoiler territory but Alex’s death will have some bearing on one of the major characters that will be introduced, it will serve a purpose

I am also aware that the prologue/backstories don’t have much choice, but I felt that in order to properly set them up it needed to be a little more rigid. Thex next part of chapter one you will be making some major choices on how you want to conduct your training and how to stay hidden from The Praetorium


Yeah no. I don’t think even Alex can cheat death especially depending on who pick. I doubt the drug addict lighting god can afford to leave him alive after murdering his father. Not to mention the Roman who can see the future would know if he’s dead or not. Alex might be good but the mc is better.


O.O not shour if you interested but i learnt zeus has another weapon that hasn’t been mentioned before since Zeus was typically represented as a god of the sky or weather. He is distinguished by his signature lightning bolts, which the Greeks believed the Cyclopes had fashioned for him,but.Sometimes Zeus was also shown holding the aegis an invincible shield.
oh yea before i forget i learnt this information from on this site it mainly has info on zeus his family etc Zeus – Mythopedia

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I apsolutly love the new approach to each of the fables. My personal favorite is the Norse spin on Arthur. I’m really excited to see where the rest of the story goes.


its a shame when you play as zeus you cant let him show of his powers in the fight with the shadow lady and the light user fighter like he could of shout and make the seas stern saying you dare to attach her in my presence his voice booming light thunder and make the sky go dark as a storm starts forming and then it thunders and starts pummeling lightning bolts at the person which would distract him as he looks up at the sky were it came from and looking around for the person as he shaking from the pressure zeus is letting out wondering were it came from why trying to dodge the lightning bolts at the same time even getting hit by the lightning accasanaly leaving burn marks giving her time to get to her son and take him to safety then he decide it to dangerous to carry on the mission and retreats back to the base that would be a awesome scene.


It would derail the plot especially since the MC is trying to remain unseen and unknown not show everyone that they are a god


This is good. Plot is interesting, and so are the storytelling of the MCs’ past. I’m looking to further updates. Keep going. :ok_hand:t2:


not really since the storm would mess with the satellite tracking them obscuring there view of the bout and there identities since that usually happens with electrical devises grated not always but rarely it douse especially if its powerful enough,also you gotta admin that would be a badass plots for zeus’s story…


Still we have 4 people who would have found out which is 4 too many


well, I’m definitely going to do a stars arisen and shout my secret identity from a rooftop the first chance I got.

Which shouldn’t be too early since the writer already got like 6 unique characters to write lol