BREACH: The Archangel Job - (Released! | Discussion) New Discord

Get shot. Many times. It actually increases your relationship stat with her.

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According to Max, even with getting shot a lot, you will still barely hit the 70 cap which if remember correctly, is when you get to romance Raquel

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Thank you! This game is meant to be replayable with much variations, so Iā€™m glad people are still playing this game eventhough itā€™s been 4 years since the first words were uploaded to the forum. :sweat_smile:

At the end of chapter 3, when Gabriel visits you, you will have to not let him in, and Raquel will show up, and you may let her in instead.

This is true. Getting Raquelā€™s romance will be a bit hard. But thatā€™s sort of the point. I will be adding a bit more scene for her in Chapter 3, giving the MC more chance to further gain her trust.

Or, if you havenā€™t the patience, you may use the cheats to bump up your relationships to the maximum.


Quick question will the cheat option be available in the finalized version of this game after it being released?


Yesā€¦ but in a different form.

The cheat ā€œSaypleaseā€ that unlocks the cheat menu will be deleted

But each of the individual cheat codes will still be in the game for you to activate. However, activating the cheats will deactivate achievements in the final game.

Will there be a way to activate them by entering a phrase or will just be going to the cheat menu and choosing what you want to do?

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Yo I got another ideaā€¦ wot If I made a dude called Abaddon (Look up wot Abaddon is in christianity) and I made him a informant that instead of catsā€¦ liked dogs and has a rivalry/hate for Raphael.


Y is this demo so replayable?


Raquel is gonna attack you with her kitty nails and growl at you like a lion. Itā€™s gonna end very bad for you my dear.


So thereā€™s more hmm? Pray tell :thinking:

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Nah, let 'em. Iā€™m curious to see what happensā€¦


Maniacal laughter rings in the background


So Iā€™m back from the Cat V Dog situation and letā€™s just sayā€¦ Pain


MC proceeds to cry due to trauma caused by the kitty-pocalypse


Raquel might hurt me for saying this but She is like Mouseā€™s Evil Twin but way better. Mouse probably fainted as well


Someone please make this happen.


The cheat manu will be deleted, but the individual cheats will still be there. Youā€™ll have to enter the phrases individually

Raquel would not be happy.

Because thereā€™s so many things that can happen, could happen, wouldā€™ve happened, and most likely will happenā€¦ At least I think thatā€™s why.

Youā€™ll have to find the individual cheat codes yourself. :wink:

ā€¦ I have so many different interpretation for this, though I donā€™t think none of them would fit the narrative, lest youā€™d like to have lions and tigers on the loose in Chicago.

Raquel frightens Mouse. She doesnā€™t say anything at all, works silently, and is great at both medical and electronics.


Iā€™m currently replaying this and just realized that Gabriel called Anna a female Handy Manny and I honestly donā€™t know how to feel about this game anymore. I have a bad feeling itā€™s only going to get worse from here.

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Well, at least give us some hints. Is it some unassuming phrase, or is it weirdly specific?

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Iā€™m rewriting a whole lot of the first chapter, so donā€™t expect that to lastā€¦

I wrote that in the first year of making this game, and I still cringe at some of the stuff Iā€™ve written. :sweat_smile:

They are somewhat weirdly specific. Most of them are phrases, some of them are references to another game, or even movies.


So am I far off the mark if I say thereā€™s at least one PAYDAY reference as a cheat code?

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