BREACH: Chicago War Zone (WIP) (1 Million Words UPDATE! 23-April-2024)

I was actually going to make a comment about how your first meeting with Gabe makes it very clear you’re not a professional criminal but you’re acting like an edgelord teenager and it’s honestly embarrassing.



I feel that your protagonist fits in the niche that is between the Archangels and their crew and you show this in both book one and the book two demo.

The MC is not meant to be a “Chosen One” so I think you are threading the needle well.



Love the game so far, dunno about Archangel path, but FBI one feels very badass, especially when criminals start calling MC Lucifer >:З I get it, Greg, very on point!
And thank you for adding Rook and Bishop to this path, aside from Mouse’s condition their absence was my only regret, so I was overjoyed to see them, even if they end up stabbing MC in the back or something.

One thing that keeps bothering me is the fact that you can learn that Gabriel’s real (?) name is Galilae in the first game from Syn, so I hope it’ll be acknowledged in the final version, since for now MC only remembers that it was in the list of possible identies (unless I’m missing something).

Can we start romance with Mouse in Book 2 on FBI path? The first two opportunities in Book 1 felt too early for me and my FBI MC didn’t get a third one. I guess I can replay it, but I like the idea of MC crushing on Mouse but never telling them until it was too late… Makes it so much more dramatic before they wake up.


IMO you’re definitely a professional criminal, in that your profession is crime. You’re just on a different level of the business. Like, Stephen King is a professional author. If you make your living via Patreon and selling self-published books then so are you, even if you’re basically playing in different leagues.


My protag will definitely be going with them whenever the choice comes up. Sorry to everybody my protag knows, they love Raquel too much to not go with them if and when the opportunity presents itself. Don’t care if they’re weaker than the three of them, I will MAKE them get on their level to stay with them.

Kind of amazes me how much I enjoy the relationship between the character you make and Raquel if you decide to go for the route. I didn’t think I would like it as much as I do.

And that’s my post for the next… couple of months maybe? :sweat_smile:


Both paths are awesome but Archangel will always have a special place in my heart. The heists are so fun, and the crew feels like its own little family.

I’ve also never felt like the MC was any less interesting than the trio. The MC is almost always off on their own missions with their crew, wreaking havoc and it’s ughdkskekdkdk. Just so good. I have such a soft spot for Breach lol. It feels like the perfect blend of game and story, in a way that I haven’t seen in any other IF.


TBH I’ve never been able to make myself do the FBI path, because who wants to be a cop?


It’s not about being a cop, it’s about conflict, revenge and Bishop throwing rubber ducks at my FBI homies


Soon. You can’t be professional without learning and knowing imo. And it’s up to you whether you want to be a badass or the situations reguires for you to be a badass.


I feel so betrayed playing the COP routine :sob: I did my R so dirty.:skull: But I did discover a lot though.


Because being an undercover cop and taking down the Archangels is far more satisfying than simply being one, the mighty network brought down by a single determined cop.


You’re probably one of the few people I know who roots for cops in a heist story


I am only sporadically active on this forum, and very recently found out that the second book of Breach was in progress. Absolute class writing.

I know that you’re very gradually making the transition from the story being focused on the Trio and Anthony to being focused on the MC to make it look natural, but I still can’t help myself but ask…
How long till the MC solo clears an entire building full of enemies like a boss?


Soon… on all three routes.


MC Who is with the FBI and Russian drunkingly going Full Out Drunk Russian Soldier and Storming a Entire Building With a RPK And a Shovel Only

MC-Probably : I See this as…

MC having to explain why he was drunk and Decided to Storm a Entire Building filled with Hostiles: I Cannot Confirm Or Deny that Was Me as Uh it was a… Special… Operation?.. I Guess?

FBI Guys to MC: You can’t just go and kill everyone inside a Building You Know!?


MC proceeds to drink Too much shots of Vodka and passes Out


2 weeks later


Charlie:“I know. I outdid myself didn’t I?”


This game is freaking cool


Big update is coming… I can just feel it… :eyes: :sunglasses:


John wick universe confirmed sir Michael???! YES :pencil2::raised_back_of_hand:t2: I’m the top dogg bitch !:fist:t2::joy_cat:


My Mc: “Says who?”

Readying my katana, John wick mode activated