Blood and Steel (WiP) (Updated 11th of September)

No worries, I figured that it was coded similarly since the mace and shortsword were of similar size. :man_shrugging:

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Not at all. I remember only a shortsword and a shield having that result and I can recall updating it for every weapon 2 days ago. Jokes aside, I am still going to visit a doctor due to the poor state of my memory.

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I’d like to report some typos that I saw,

First thing I saw was that the save/load option was not working.

It was the Quarens who did this, i might be wrong
//You put your arm around her face. It were Quarens who did this, no doubt. You’ll make them regret it. You’ll make them regret everything. The pain, tears and blood they’ve inflicted, you’ll inflict back on them, stronger.

Maybe this was meant to be a castle/city? like “new Lord of the (insert city/castle).” Or simply “new Lord of this noble house.”
//Werner says, and then continues. "His heir will inherit and become the new Lord of (insert house name).

Captialization :blush:
//Everyone in the grand hall cheers and claps, chanting “Long live Alexander of house (insert house name)”.

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I do know the save isn’t working and despite it taking less than 3 seconds to fix, with my current draft, I’d have to add unfinished content too: that is why I am not fixing it untill the next update.
I will see for the other typos, thanks.


I wish it was like that in real life.


Yes, another addition to guilds and orders.


I can’t wait :+1:
So what are some of the possible effects that potions and other guild actions could give that you were thinking about?

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As you can see, potions usually don’t result in success, if they do, it’s not really something groundbreaking. For example, the healing mixture developed by the guild does indeed work, but it obviously needs to be drank rapidly multiple times (depending on the wound), so it still takes lots of time for wound recovery. But why stop at healing potions? They also make poison (because, for science?..), and they’ve succeeded in making weak-level ones. (They cause headache and overall weakness, but not death). If you join them, seeing as you can advance through the ranks, you may have a laboratory in which you can develop potions of your own choosing. (Depending on how smart your MC is).


So basically it’s the hermetic society? Nice
I’m scared to ask what type of potions an mc with 500 intruige could make

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It’s not as powerful as the Hermetic Society in this case. Potions take longer time to develop and more effort to succeed. A high-intrigue MC can potentially start from some instant-killing poisons and even advance further on from there to research cures for diseases in Ezaelia, but then again, why not spread a disease of your own with your potions? (for science?). Then there’s almost-instant healing mixtures and the ones that increase your adrenaline (which would probably be something as a “confidence boost potion”), or the ones that can easily get aflame (kind of like in GoT).


Hey as long as it’s not demon cult op I’m good
Wait there is an actual hermetic society or are we still talking about ck2
increases intruige to 2000 now I am a GOD
And for last question today, what are requirements for joining it?

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Was talking about CK2.
It’s not hard to join it at all, unlike the Knights of the Griffin. You only need the Scholar-in-training trait.


Ah, I see.


“I fight for the thrill of combat” some people just want to fight in order to get that adrenaline surge.



I wanted to make these 2 ROs as different as possible. Well, I guess you’ll see the results in the next update.

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How about “I fight for revenge, for House Quaren is responsible for my father’s death.”

Or… how about an option where we just say… “Um, actually, I have no idea. I just fight.” I do think such a option suits the people who carry on with life despite sometimes not knowing why they do so.


Would we have to give a reason?

We couldn’t say something like “my reasons are my own” or say nothing at all?


Alright, sure. Will do that.


I will add that option as well.


Is it annoying when during a character conversation scene, chosen options don’t disappear? I kept them there just so, you know, if you wanted to reread what they said(but in some scenes they do disappear).
So, should I make conversation options hidden/disappear once you choose them?

  • Yes, it’s annoying.
  • No, I might want to re-read sometimes.

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