Hero or Villain: Genesis (feedback thread)

Which powers groups do you think don’t have enough in them? An earlier complaint was that there were too many powers…

Don’t have any ideas for new powers or anything just wanted to say I’m glad to see your project. And I’ll give it a go looking forward to when you release it fully :slight_smile:

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Holy Hellas! I can use Chronomancy? I can rewind time? All I need is a punk Rock stoner girlfriend named Chloe and I can have my sequel to Life is Strange
Holy fuck. Now I’m pumped!

I noticed something I tried a fire based hero because I thought they could superheat the Aeronaut’s armor it might be nice to explain why that won’t work.


Another small update, including some more things to do in the evenings. It does not include some of the recent feedback in this thread, but a number of other bugs highlighted by the CSComp committee have been ironed out.


Worked a bit more on feedback, and started to try to try to think about what I can implement vs what is just too much (at the moment progress on the game has stalled as I have the feeling there is so much to deal with in the first part).

@MeltingPenguins sorry, I think separating hair colour and style would be too much. Adding illusions would also make the combat sequences more complicated, so gave up on that. Added option to finish selecting appearance, so that you dont have to select piercings and tattoos. Will eventually add the option of being able to rechoose powers (in my list of things to do). Not sure what you mean by “infusing projectiles”. Can you explain better?
@Natman1025 telekinesis is just for moving people, if you want to create a force field you also need to select that power. Basically I am separating those abilities, as otherwise it would be too powerful. Thus, if you want to create the ultimate telekinesis hero you need to select each of these separately.
@Dloading, I think latest version solves this problem?
@dicer1998, thanks, I think the issue is solved
@BigSmoke, probably not, currently there are no places in which it could be used. Unless you can think of something?
@gvyn, fixed bugs, thanks. Will try to add option of taking the dealer to prison
@FabricSeat added extra options when talking to Tidal Bore
@Hearts, I think I already included all your feedback (though I dont want to go down the route of specifying individual animals, I think it would just make the power selection super-complex?). I also added an additional line by Villardi about the radio
@Yaya1213, I think I incorporated your feedback

-I finally decided not to add armours or other inventions. Simply put it would be too much to start to work on this now, and I think I need to start advancing the story. I might add these if I ever make another story, but I’m already having to deal with too many mechanics. Sorry for those who suggested this, but I hope you understand…

Other changes
-Added militaristic costume (as requested)
-Added option of calling the police on the dealer
-Added some more chances to talk to workers and interact with boss

Issues left to deal with:
-Add explanation of why cannot superheat Aeronaut suit
-More choices of professions (student, scientist?)
-Make fight scenes longer?
-Include explanation of what the abilities do (" Maybe also make it more clear what the professional skills do like if I choose to learn about medicine will that be enough or do I need a certain level. I think it makes more sense to have it be limited to 3 choices like medicine, hunting, martial arts and then another 3 choices later on tech, rhetoric, journalism and put in parenthesis what each choice will do ex. journalism (you learns about crime reports faster and have extra information on superpowered individuals) since you don’t really use any of the abilities just yet.")
-Re-write some of the dialogues for co-workers, to add flavour (a frequent complaint, so I need to work on this!)
-Add some dialogue from co-workers wondering why MC is so badly hurt.
-Look at possibility of influencing boss with mind powers
-Change the description of why the MC is being shouted at (if high charisma/intelligence they should refer to frequent absence, little work done, etc). MC feels as if nothing they do matters (so there should be some room for that)
-Suggestion for powers: ability to mess around with Richard as payback (splash the coffee in his face or if you control fire you can boil his coffee to burn him, if you have appropriate power).
-Place all powers chosen in the power choosing page
-Add option to clear powers and choose again
-Rework some situations (showing, not telling, post #78) “For example, you said that not everyone is willing to accept powered individuals and simply want to experiment on them. Have the reader encounter a group of people who are vocal about their distaste for superheroes. As the MC walk through an electronic store, have a segment show up on a TV on how scientists believe that these powered people should be “examined” to further understand them, sugarfrosting their speech to hide their shady intentions.”
-R#2, add a bit more to the world building, a little bit more detail and colour.
-Ask more clearly the player to define his orientation?
-Possibility to eventually romance the boss? Having a base? working for a government organisation? become a villain?


It sounds as if you are working yourself to death, how you writers are able to carry on is beyond me. Please try not to go insane, it would be devastating loss to not only the community but the people who support you and trust your judgment. If you feel that some options are unnecessary or adding new powers will complicate the story you are trying to create then by all means disregard it. The people here want to see the story you create, it may not connect with everyone but we will support it 110%.


@Chaosteress I added hellfire manipulation, but some of the others would be quite difficult to integrate into the current mechanics.

@Dark_Stalker I added darkness bolt.

Also added ability to freeze opponents and acid bolt

Basically, I’m currently reluctant to add any new powers that are outside the current mechanics (as it would mean changing all fights scenes, and the more I go into the game the harder and more tedious this becomes). If anybody has any suggestions for abilities that can be made to modify some of the MC’s abilities or parameters, do let me know (or a new type of blast or stun power, which can easily be integrated into the existing mechanics). Otherwise, my next step is to code some extra places in which powers can be used (suggestions have been to freeze or heat the coffee of a co-worker, etc…)

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Fixed a bug that was not allowing stun abilities to be used in combat. Hopefully these will work now.

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About the “infused” bit:
For some reason i thought that it meant one has to pick this option if one wanted to be able to for example throw fireballs or something

can i test?..

@Carson_Lindsey you should read that if you want to test the game

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maybe you could add more career choices.

Working on this further today. I guess I have added quite a lot, as the word count of the average playthrough in the last 2 days has jumped by around 2000 words or so.

-Added a note about how the abilities work.
-Added an explanation of why you cannot head Aeronaut suit (if MC has enough engineering, there are 4 checks, engineering >50, >30, >10, or else, providing increasing levels of information). There is also another check (engineering >20) to provide information regarding henchman being a robot.
-Colleague at work (one instance) and secretary (different instance) will now ask MC why they are hurt.
-A little more world building (more description of what is happening the different days)
-You can now mess around with rival (if you have the correct powers, related to hot, cold or telekinesis)
-Some more dialogue at work, etc

Issues left to deal with:
-More choices of professions (student, scientist?)
-Make fight scenes longer?
-Add instances of use of engineering, law and journalism to provide extra info to MC
-Re-write some of the dialogues for co-workers, to add flavour (a frequent complaint, so I need to work on this!)
-Look at possibility of influencing boss with mind powers
-Change the description of why the MC is being shouted at (if high charisma/intelligence they should refer to frequent absence, little work done, etc). MC feels as if nothing they do matters (so there should be some room for that)
-Place all powers chosen in the power choosing page
-Add option to clear powers and choose again
-Rework some situations (showing, not telling, post #78) “For example, you said that not everyone is willing to accept powered individuals and simply want to experiment on them. Have the reader encounter a group of people who are vocal about their distaste for superheroes. As the MC walk through an electronic store, have a segment show up on a TV on how scientists believe that these powered people should be “examined” to further understand them, sugarfrosting their speech to hide their shady intentions.”
-R#2, add a bit more to the world building, a little bit more detail and colour.
-Ask more clearly the player to define his orientation?
-Possibility to eventually romance the boss? Having a base? working for a government organisation? become a villain?


@adrao could the earth power get some plant options for abilities or maybe create a plant power by itself because I can see some of the situations being solved by plant powers also what exactly does intelligence do because I don’t feel like it has a big enough role in the game

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Yeah I don’t mind losing to the rival but if I use heat blast on metal armor they should have problems. Also maybe make jobs feel different. Right now the job scenes have to play out the exact same with the substitution of patent or article. As an end stage goal maybe consider different work environments and scenarios but possibly with similar themes. Like one might be you’re late with an article but an engineer might be called away from working on building something. A student (should you choose to add it) might have to leave a lecture.


Will it be possible to turn into a bad guy.

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A few minor opiopns I feel that will make the story better a chance to to teleport away after grabbing the stone before agronaunt

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I feel as well withe the first agronaunt encounter if someone’s psyche and endurance is high enough we should be able to return to our office and get a relationship increase with emily. Physcogirl and endurance so the mc isn’t too tired.

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Could I become a beta tester

Sorry for the late reply, crazy week at work so development of the game has stalled a bit (will return to it tomorrow). There is a minor update, basically just incorporating links to my facebook page and other games.

Quick replies:

@majinmike I guess intelligence at present doesn’t do much (any suggestions on what it could be used for?). Also, what situations could be solved by plant powers? (I can add a plant power, if you give me 2-3 non-combat situations where it can be used). Regarding beta testing, all those (like you) who have given suggestions will be included as beta testers for the second half of the game (still haven’t started on it, what you are seeing is the first half only, currently expanding it laterally with side missions, though some of the core text of the second part is already written)

@GenecoInheritor thanks, it is an interesting point, so I will implement something like that. I guess for things to work it would have to be a student in a summer job or something like that…

@Arcane_warrior possibly! (not 100% sure yet, depends on whether I burn out, but I’ve been thinking about an evil path later in the game)

@Blank great points, thanks! Will try to implement those! (any other points like those would be greatly welcome)