20k words written so far this month.
Chapter 2 release date??
If by chapter 2 you meant by the sequel, then maybe a few years.
If you meant by the demo update then by the end of September to 1st week of October.
10/10 story that I enjoy keep up the great work ^^
Thank you so much.
Your welcome
Tumblr added
Story recommendation - Catwoman : When in Rome
The more i read about current news. The borderline irredeemable cartoonish villains I once tried to avoid writing seems pretty logical and realistic.
back in mid 2018 The Onion ran a (joke) piece on how they are being force to shutdown due to reality having become more satire than any thing they could come up with
Well nowadays I genuinely can’t tell much difference between Onion and Actual news headlines.
Love how the 3rd choice is always the “I’m gonna beat this guy into submission” type
“The world only makes sense if you force it to.” - Batman
A little piece of lore has been added to tumblr!
Are we gonna be vigilante’s?
If we are gonna be a vigilante can we have a base of operations like an arrow cave in the CW show Arrow??
I definitely have a few plans and choices for that. Let’s say as a vigilante you can be either like Batman (no kill rule) or Punisher (no problems on killing anyone) or at the same time you could be a mix of the two (having an internal war whether to kill or not).
I would say some still redeemable, then again will look on the case