Awoken (Fantasy WIP) - updated 16/May/2017

Nah, he’s bulky because he used to be a lumberjack :smiley: also genetics. They build 'em big in the mountains.


Phew! :sweat_smile: At least now I won’t feel bad about ogling him. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Just think how much fun he’ll have when he has to hang out with Silver :grinning::worried:


Well… if given the choice, my MC wouldn’t leave him alone with him if he can. :joy:

the game have a lot of potential. i’m really excited to see what will happen if we remain neutral and why are we in that tombstone in the first place

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A smallish update, but with this one Chapter Five is finally finished! :sleeping:

EDIT: Also fixed pronoun errors for Vin and a bug in the first part of Chapter 5 which stopped Mara’s rel going up.


sorry to say but i’m a little disappointed with how short the new update was
P/s : bad grammar,sorry

Hmm, I was wondering, is anyone disinclined to make the pro magic choices since after awakening the MC can’t actually use magic?

I’ve been going for a high combat skill/scholarship build, but it occurred to me that if we could actually use magic I might have gone for a Tim Taylor-esque “MOAR POWER!” mage instead.


Fair enough - it is a little shorter or longer depending on which path you’re on. Going rebels side with Aden probably has the most new content since you get another scene with him. But to be honest, I just wanted to have all of Chapter Five posted!


Considering @Scribblesome explicitly said it was a small(ish) update wrapping up chapter five, I don’t really see why there’s any disappointment to be had. Anyways, I’ll see if I can squeeze some time in to play the new content later while totally not at work! :joy:

@stsword I’m with you there… to an extent. I’ve been focusing on making fighting my MC’s focus, but I tend to have magic be his second (or third) most prominent stat. It’s not his specialty, but I wouldn’t be averse to helping my MC regain some magic. I’m still waiting for the opportunity to be able to combine my MC’s axe with magic. :blush:


The magic stat is magic knowledge, not power, and you may well find it has its uses in the future… :slight_smile:


I still tend to go with magic as my max since Scribblesome said, eventually, we will get our powers back. I think of it as an investment.
Plus, one never knows when it’ll be handy in the flashbacks.


I’m trying to get it so that each skillset comes in handy somewhere. Knowledge has probably been the weakest so far, but a high Knowledge MC will get to make use of it in the next memory.

Also, anyone have any thoughts/theories on the ‘vision’ at the end?

A question, @Scribblesome. Is Cren’s relationship stat supposed to go up based off of some of the dialogue responses you pick when asking him questions or not? 'cause so far it sticks to 0% and then jumps to 30% when I bluntly flirt with him. :joy:

Found a minor typo if Aden was brought to speak with Vin and co.: [You draw his out of the room so you can talk in private. The landlady is gone, though you notice the two thugs still lurk at the bottom of the stairs.] Dang, now I feel bad though… the poor guy’s obviously upset that I sided with the rebels. Especially since I brought him with me. I hope I get a chance to make it up to him.

I’d leave my response about the vision now, but I literally just finished as my shift ended. I’ll be back later with that!

Oh yeah, it goes up (or not) based on the overall impression you made, so the boost comes all at once after you finish the conversation.
You get a small boost with Mara as well, since they’re friends.


About the vision:

[spoiler] Maybe someone is scrying MC? Searching for their magical presence or something? So, I guess if they didn’t already know and only suspected that MC is back, now the Protector knows for sure that MC is back and trying to get their memories back…

If this interference on an astral level is dangerous for MC -and it seems like it - that would make regaining memories through the well much more dangerous, if not impossible. So MC’s time to regain their memories through that way runs out and in the worst case they have to either try to make their mind about the past in a different way or walk around with only half their memories.

Or maybe it was just a magic senses inducted vision to warn MC, that they have to flee as the Protector found out about Silver’s safehouse, so no hunting down on a mental/magical level but a hunt in the more physical sense what still would make regainig MC’s memories more complicated as it may would mean that they have to abandone the safe house… But in that case they at least wouldn’t have to fear that they got caught and destroyed mentally while regaining their memories. [/spoiler]


Hey, I found a pronoun error you missed: His voice rises as he gives this speech - he catches herself at the end, taking a deep breath.
And I don’t know if this word is right: He presses something into your hand, then in one smooth motion he pushes hisself away, moving to the door and out before you can even respond.

Well, about that. I agree with @Sammysam’s theory. However, that flash of green we see in the vision could also mean that we are regaining our powers, but the light that protect us is also preventing it from happening. So we have to face the darkness (which could mean the event that lead to our memory loss) in order to get our powers back.


Righty-o. Well, I’m home now. If you don’t mind me asking, @Scribblesome, what’s the highest possible relationship stat we can have with Cren as of now? I want to know if I can fist pump in victory or shake my head in shame at myself. :joy: Before I get on to theorizing, I did a quick replay and noticed a few more things.

There’s a minor typo in the details of my MC’s office: [A(n) axe hangs on one wall.]

When talking to Aden after the meeting with Vin, there’s a word missing: [“If you hadn’t noticed, sourcestones are an expensive resource,” he says between gritted teeth. “Maybe you should bear that in mind now (that) you’ve taken up a life of highway robbery.”]

Anyways, theory time: [spoiler]I’m inclined to believe that the vision we had isn’t actually an omen like it’s trying to make it out to be. To me, I think that what our MC interprets to be ‘pursuing’ them is actually their awoken magic. Our amnesiac MC doesn’t… really know what magic feels like within their own body. The experiences they have are limited to essentially the bits they’ve managed to remember from their dreams. That’s not exactly a reliable source considering it probably felt normal to them in the memories.

Now, our MC is an Awoken mage. The sheer amount of power that they had at their beck and call was not only awe-inspiring, but fear-inducing. We’ve already seen that through the eyes of others. If all that magic came back at once, it’d be like trying to fit a titan-sized force inside a human shell. Of course the MC’s subconscious would interpret it as a threat. That’s what I think, anyways. The green light the MC sees only encourages this line of thought for me.

It’s highly likely that Silver cast some kind of spell or performed some sort of ritual that essentially tore our MC’s magic away from them - likely to prevent the Protector’s Scouts from detecting our MC. The thing that really clues me off is the first time our MC goes into the memory well. The last thing our MC sees before entering the memory is “the glowing green of the stranger’s eyes.” If you mention not being able to cast magic, Silver themselves is surprised and they try to get you to hold the spell, only for it to slip through your hand(s).

Considering Silver’s magic seems to be green/blue-green… well, I believe the green light that we see in this ‘vision’ is what remains of whatever spell/ritual Silver cast. Obviously, the duration of this enchantment lasted longer than Silver anticipated, but as we can see… it’s waning. And once it fully wanes, our MC’s power will presumably pour right back into their body so suddenly that I’m sure something bad’s gonna happen. After all, if you overcharge a battery… it explodes. I don’t expect it to be a literal explosion, but I’m sure we might end up hurting Silver accidentally.[/spoiler]


Well, we still don’t really know what exactly the stranger is though we all have various theories.

[spoiler] I personally think that they could be a creature made by MC with magic, so their magic has the same color as ours what would make a ritual by the stranger to explain the color obsolete. It is just MC’s magic.

Or we are on the trail to some very unfortune truths about the source stones and magelords…Maybe green is an universal magic color? That would fit if the Protector/or whoever is also a magelord. (Or was it their own magic used against them that nearly killed MC and this is the reason their subconscious recognizes it as danger?)

Though I think you and @Lyanna are probably right that it symbols the regaining of MC’s magic one way or another [/spoiler]


Oh I positively love this! It’s amazing c: love eveything thus far!

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