Awoken (Fantasy WIP) - updated 16/May/2017

I treat them like an student (an special student, but one nonetheless), trying to make them feel useful and helping when they need it. But I get the feeling they are a lot younger than the MC, so, for me, flirting is kinda awkard. What’s the age difference between the MC and their apprentice btw?
Oh, and I think I know what happened to them in the present…

@Sammysam That was my theory as well :grin:

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Yeah, but like you said, it doesn’t really do much .-. Also, it’s more about petting Silver in cat form than petting any cat at all. :joy_cat: It’s not as if I’d pet them where it would hurt. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe just a gentle scratch behind the ear or something.

Like how a proper mentor should. With positive feedback and encouragement, appreciative gestures and professional tutelage.

I tried the flirting option once, because like @Sammysam, I thought I might as well take what I can get. I instantly felt guilty about “cheating” on Silver. So for me, it’s Silver or nothing.


Tell me about it. :expressionless:

Do share!


Age difference between you and the apprentice is only about 2-3 years (when it says you’re young to be headteacher, I’m not kidding). I see them being 18-19 when you first meet them - maybe around 20-21 in the current memory.



At the moment having animal skill above a certain level gives you the pet menu option and no way to avoid getting a pet. I think what I’m going to do is make the choice available for all, but add a ‘I didn’t get a pet’ option. But the wolf and bear will still need a high animal skill.


Well I think the appentice is the Protector or is associate with them somehow, because the Scouts’ appearance change if you choose Aden or Malina. But that’s just my theory :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, you’ll definitely get the option to go that route with them too :slight_smile:

Maybe they’re our magic pet servant creature that obeys our will.
And we told them to help and protect us and aid in our memory restoration?

Also apprentice?
You mean person I can send on fetch/boring missions?
In all seriousness I’m training her of course as I should an apprentice.

By the way can our MC get immortality?

That seems like something a mage would try for.

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[spoiler] Already asked that. Doesn’t look like it…


Well this is intriguing, hope we will get our magical abilities back, eventually.

I have thoughts on that, but am not quite sure what I want to do with them. It’s unlikely to be a significant part of the story.

Oh, you’ll get the chance to.

Dear Mal…


Creeping closer to another update. This chapter just keeps going and going… :sweat:


Aye, 'tis the curse of The Chapter That Grew, innit? :sweat_smile:

I know it only too well. :scream:

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Psst, you should tell me about your MCs. I’m wondering if they seem distinct enough with the different reactions/paths.

Well, I have two MCs (for now :smile:): Myrian and Asher.
Myrian is the usual kind of hero: kind, charming and always willing to help. She’s very social and likes to tease people (aka the Stranger). Her primary skill is the knowledge of nature and animals and her wolf’s name is Nymeria (yes, I love GoT :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). The memory loss didn’t change her personality.
Asher, on the other hand, is more of a loner and it’s really hard for him to trust someone. He puts magic in the first place but also values knowledge in general. He’s impatient, likes things done his way and hates having to rely on other people. Before the memory loss he liked to be worshipped and feared, though didn’t really believed he was a god. My inicial idea is for him to be an evil kind of guy who just seeks power, but, like a said before, I’m not good at being bad. So I was thinking that his amnesia could have caused a little change in his personality and goals, making him more like an anti-hero.
I usually shape my characters according to the story, so I’m still figuring my MCs out. Can’t wait for the next update to see how they will grow in my head :blush:


Great wolf name! :smiley: (I went with Lupa)


I can’t edit the top post any more :angry:
04/03/16 - even more of Chapter Five! :sunglasses:
It may seem like a short one but it’s short and wide. And for this one please say which choice you make in the valley!


I decided to choose the non lethal way and stopped both sides