Atheina: A Story of the Gods (WIP) [REVAMPED CHAPTER ONE; 21 August 2019]

Drawing from the human psychology, we’re naturally afraid of something strange, something we don’t know.

Think of it this way.
You got a pantheon of 6 gods, their origin is explained, and their role isn’t scary. And then, there’s this one god which is not mentioned in any holy book, yet you know their role. A creepy role, that one: “The Balancer,” while the other are creators.

Despite commoners perspective of antagonizing this god, I’m sure that ppl will think of this god as something that’s possibly more powerful and superior than the others. They can be the super-good god, or super-bad god.


You should but a save in later and we should be able to romance npc that’s would be cool

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I do have a question. If our god is the Balancer, what role will they play in this story? Will they play an important role that is to come?

No problem, I actually enjoy reading your theories.

I think modern day scholars are more likely to take this view. I think scholars in Atheina are more likely to explain this away. “The gods are incomprehensible for mere mortals” or that “much was lost through translation”. Separating what should be considered canon from just hearsay is what any religious group has to struggle with.

That would be blasphemy to even suggest a thing.

You will have control over their future. And you will not be restricted to goblins alone later on.

That is an interesting take. Then again commoners don’t usually have access to books at this time period when chapter 1 starts. The elites are more likely to engage deeply with the texts. Commoners just know that this deity is the ruler of the underworld. Just saying the god’s name is believed to quicken one’s death.

And such views on which god is superior is more likely to differ depending on the cult one belongs to.

They do play an important role in the story. If I say more, I would seriously be spoiling the story, sorry. :smile:


Please do, I want to romance non-humans too.


So what’s stopping us from just starting another extinction event and killing everything and could we use that as blackmail against the other gods? Also do we have close relationship with another god or do mortals see us closely tied to another one or linked?
Also I’m guessing the other gods would be romances first. I don’t think there really needs to be a whole romance arc for the mortals in Atheina because their not gonna last long and gods perceive time differently than mortals. What we would think would be a small amount of time would kinda be like a decade to them. Maybe just a mortal we’ve taken a liking to that we have a fling with once and a while.


We can always reap the soul of the RO once they have died to be together in eternity since we are the god of the underworld, and having the power to take souls, that’s just my guess and what I would try to do though.


The author has said that he/she took inspiration from greek and greek gods would often have a fling with mortals so I would guess thats highly possible that they could do.


I don’t know it seems we would need permission to reap their souls. It sounds like when they die we can’t just play around with there souls also humans are protected by Croesus so I’m guessing he doesn’t want you fooling around with his human souls just because your in love or something same with the other gods and their mortals. The other gods would just tell you to get over it.
The god romances sound more interesting to me since they’re all the “brightness, sunshine, life is beautiful and good” type and we’re in the underworld thinking about destruction while making shapes outta peoples souls like their balloon animals or something. Not that I don’t want a mortal romance I do, but only if we could make them immortal so they could be with us if not I’ll spare my Goddess a heartbreak.


I agree, I’m putting my hope in the fact that we rule over the land of the dead so we can be with them for ever, otherwise I wouldn’t want to get involved with mortals in almost any way.


Maybe there is a council already formed when we arrive since we came late. Possibly we would have to ask them to turn our loved one into a minor god or immortal to rule with us down in the Underwold. Since we only have the power of destruction and not creation maybe we can’t make other gods. We could probably make a deal with them that we won’t try and blow up their planet again and make cereal outta peoples souls anymore.


I think threatening the other gods would be like pressing a self destruct button. If our MC would do that I believe the only answer we would get is an early death if gods can die, if they cant I would guess an eternity in some kind of prison would hide us from the rest of the world/s.


I didn’t mean that I was goin to threaten them sorry if that came out wrong. I meant we would keep out destructive powers to a minimum and not meddle in the affairs if mortal to much if that’s what we were doing. Fooling around with the mortals lives sounds like alot of fun and my Goddess might do that, but would also stop if her loved one could become an I’m mortal or minor god.

Please do include ro’s


Hope to see this finished some day, seems to be a fun idea so far and I got to admit the moment we find out we are basically death in this world I started laughing evilly XD


Darkener are there going to be other monster races in this world besides the goblins?

In a post a while ago he plans on adding more monster races and we can in fact create some of them by corrupting other creatures

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I so love it so far, I wish though that I could select or create my own race… I kinda dislike Goblins (However I do love that this can play a part if I play a Character that hates being considered evil and loath himself for only bringing destruction and the fact that his only creation is evil(if Goblins are evil in this game or just another race) Anyway LOVE IT!

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That is awesome I can’t wait to play more of this even more.

First chance I get I’m making drow if it’s a option :star_struck:

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