Atheina: A Story of the Gods (WIP) [REVAMPED CHAPTER ONE; 21 August 2019]

I would research the god past actions, his attributes (or what he is now to lord over) and from there make an educate guest as his origin or make him the bad guy. other option would be for that god to be place under the tab of: “he always existed” "watching the beginning of time from his dark corner in the universe "


I love this concept and your game is off to a very nice start! I played Black&White a lot as a kid so these sort of games always catch my interest. Looking forward to the rest! :blush:

The prologue mentions us healing people before we introduced the concept of pain and suffering so I don’t think it’s impossible to create stuff.

Hmmm… Could be several things. Maybe we’re a created god, (a bit like that generation post earlier) possibly charged with looking after creation. This would explain our healing abilities and why we would introduce pain as a way to caution people against risky behavior, unaware of the consequences of our actions. We’d be a bit like Pandora here.
Maybe people simply cut the god out of the pantheon, assuming we were made up, some cautionary Boogeyman to scare people into behaving.
One more, more sinister theory could put us into the role of some kind of malicious tempter, sperate from, and even in opposition to, the main pantheon. Essentially making a devil/Satan figure.
One last theory could be that someone, somewhere has deliberately, perhaps maliciously, changed the story, cutting us out and destroying knowledge about us. Different races and takes on theology will likely have very different stories and who this mysterious god of death is is probably a topic of hot debate.

Sorry for the wall of text, I love world-building stuff like this.

more wall o' text. Questions and speculation got away from me.

Will we still be able to do healing and stuff in game? It’d be interesting to have a dual aspect thing going on. On one hand you have pain, suffering, and fear and on the other you have health, medicine, and… idk, restoration or something. It’s not unheard of in mythology to have deities with dual or even triple aspects. Something like Hathor and Sekhmet from ancient Egyptian mythology.

And what are goblins like in this world? Will we have any influence over them and their society?

One more random thought and then I’ll stop, I’m really interested to see the difference between the group’s arrival and ours. Ten years is a lot of time to grow up and putting nigh on unlimited power in the hands of a bunch of kids aged 14-18 seems like maybe not the best idea. Going from 14 to 28 (assuming the club requirement included freshmen and we left after graduation, among other things) is a pretty big difference, especially if the MC was fairly independent. Has the same amount of time passed in the game world?


So we get goblins as our creations but would orcs and the other twisted versions of fantasy races be under that like the opposite of the gnome is a goblin, the opposite of a dwarf is a hobgoblin, the opposite of elf is orcs, the opposite of fairy is imp, and humans are neutral creatures with no good or bad version (mostly because I ran out of creatures in my brain for comparison)

Edit: for the balance of good and evil


Love the work so far but I have a question wouldn’t it be better for the MC since he/she is from the underworld be like a very intimidating figure like in an amine I watch called overlord


Whenever I read this I keep thinking of the 6 Gods as the Aedra and the MC as the Daedra from Elder Scrolls since the Aedra are creators and the Daedra are changers/destructors.

I think all of those can be pretty evil if they want to, especially the elves and fairies.


Also can we customise the way the MC would look like and what are the MC’s power set be like


I would guess that the way you choose how to dispose the first humans will determine your powers.


Just played the demo. Really awesome concept and enjoying it! I also like the ability to shape how the world works! Will there be more of this out of the intro? Like how the into ends before we can focus on creating the races.

Someone is bordering on heresy. Any deviation from scripture is a form of innovation and thus misguided. Are the scriptures not complete? :joy::joy:

I like your thought process though. There is a methodology behind it.

Well, that was the other gods. Not specifically yours.:innocent:

They do say that history is written by the victors. I don’t know of any official book that gives the devil’s point of view.

The question will be then why leave the parts where the god is mentioned in the scripture. You would think that if you want to commit a Damnatio memoriae, they would do a more effective job.

I guess this will count as a minor spoiler. The goblins in this world do have a land of their own and live in small communities. I guess they will be considered a tribe.

But you will soon discover that much of their land is being conquered through imperialism done by the elves and humans.

Lol, no. Let me just say that the time that passed in the game is not the same as the time passed on Earth. The maids do say you were gone for centuries after all.

So yes, I am planning on including fantasy creatures that are usually seen in a bad light. So that does include orcs, trolls, dark elves, and witches to name a few.

The MC is an already intimidating figure with a reputation in this world. More will be revealed in Chapter 1.


Sweet I can be a god who take no mortal side in particular


"And so [MC’S GOD-NAME] saw the helpless human beings constantly hurt themselves. The gods had to routinely heal them. "

The gods had to routinely heal them. The gods, plural. Though it can refers to the seven (which includes us), I think in this context it refers exclusively to the other six.

The concept of pain was intentional, in order to make them more cautious, the fear and suffering part are an unintended consequences.

Kratos (placeholder for MC’s god-name) was the only god out of the seven who could not create but could only take away

Literally was said so in the prologue. But I do see your point, how do you introduce the concept of pain if you can’t create anything?


Wait so did the other gods create our people for use because we can’t create only destroy

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Yes, you will be able to customise how the MC looks. The power set… I am not sure yet.

I do plan on expanding the prologue, but I am not sure if I will do that in the upcoming update though.

Your god cannot create things out of thin air like the other gods. Your god can only manipulate what is already there. Technically speaking, you did not create the goblins but your powers can “corrupt” already creatures to form a different species.


Yeaaah I kinda misread that bit. Oops.

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so we just randomly take our fellow gods creations and corrupt them into a twisted and in some cases vile version of what they used to be well this will be fun


Not necessarily, the reason we exist is also to fix things that are corrupted, twisted, or vile. We are the equalizer. Which makes me assume we were created to take as much as we give. (not to say that we can’t corrupt things ourselves)


nice. like the orcs in Lord of the rings, corrupted elves.


The mortals will end up calling us the patron God of “monster” races and the like, I’m sure of it.

Or at least I hope so.


Do we have a Land of the Dead and if so do we have heaven and hell like ancient Greek myth or do the other gods have Heaven and you reside in hell or at least approximations of those two places


See that sounds grandiose and all but listen. We essentially rule over a bunch of green goober booger goblins. Absolutely terrifying yes? I jest of course but the image of that is incredibly entertaining.