Atheina: A Story of the Gods (WIP) [REVAMPED CHAPTER ONE; 21 August 2019]

What will be the different between them(beside appearance)? :thinking:

orcs are more brute strenghth and arnt that intelligent while goblins lack power but make up for it in resourcefulness.the trolls shrugs

Jeremy_Stumbaugh I think you have trolls and orcs the wrong way around and orcs would be balanced between strength and resourcefulness.

Does any one know what all the god appearances changes are because three sound like a demon, one is a skeleton and one is you don’t change. i can’t remember the rest.


I think in that way, orcs will be balanced between brute force and inventiveness, while goblins will not have much brute force but will be more inventive and trolls will have more brute force but will be less inventive.


I’d choose orcs or goblins.

orcs or trolls for me.

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Just finished playing the demo. Consider me a fan.


Among those trolls what kind you choose as your breed?

I would choese 5 but they would be much nicer than they look in the photo.

One is decent enough


1 definitely 1 unless they’re all that huge

I also like one just because they seem wise

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i’d take 1, 2 or 4, those are the best IMO

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Thanks to world of warcraft there is only one kind of troll that comes to my mind when I hear or read the word


id say one or five as they seem the biggest and strongest

Def 3
My nation would be theocracy with trolls and undead(skeleton) with corrupted dark elves they will hold a special place in my heart


Gunna be honest I don’t like any of those.


Maybe some Titan in Chinese Mythology would be good?

I think 2, it seems kinda dumb.

Gotta stick with my underestimated children. Goblins.