Arthurian Tale: Camelot [153k] [Sep 29 2023]

I think it’s time to move on from the child debate now. Arthur/Elaines stance won’t be changing.

This will be my only justification for this decision if you really feel you need a plot explanation beyond their own desires being valued above their sense of duty.


Their nephew is their preferred heir since they believe their sister would wage war on Camelot otherwise.


Then I suppose there won’t be any reconciliation if that’s final, non negotiable.
I would destroy Camelot there is no reason to accept this stupid marriage.

For roleplay purpose I would ask author if Arthur ever ask my MC why do all of this? Please include the response that he doesn’t want children with MC.


If history is anything to go by, very likely. :v

(heck, you can even do it yourself to your sibling in games like I, the Forgotten One. Lot of players did just that, even though that sibling is the sweetest girl possible)


Anyways, Chapter 4 has finished editing, and I will be moving onto Chapter 5 shortly. The current three chapters will remain on the public demo but the last three chapters; 4, 5 and 6, will be a part of closed beta testing.

I will keep everyone updated on the progress and when I need testers for the private beta, I will reach out on the forum. Thank you for all your feedback and constructive criticism. I have a long way to go, but I’m already past half-way and feeling good about the upcoming events.

Only two chapters to write now! Though I suspect the final chapter may take some time due to all the branching paths. I am looking forwarding to the challenge and hopeful about the reception!

Thanks folks!


Okay, so what focus would you folks like Chapter 5 to tackle? (Other than romances and friendships because they’re kinda an obvious focus)

Just want to get a general idea about expectations and wants, the lowest polls won’t necessarily get less focus due to the results.

  • Kingdom Management (Your own Kingdom)
  • Influencing Politics in Camelot
  • Building Personal Skills and own Character Growth
  • Learning/Revealing Secrets (Merlin/Arthur/Elaine, Prophecy)
  • Getting to know Mordred/Gawain/Morgause
  • Learning about other kingdoms in Avalon
0 voters

I’m curious how you intend to implement this in specific detail. It’s notably late in the story if I’m reading your comment correctly of a couple more chapters for the story.

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Deciding how it will be ruled, if you’ll stay and rule yourself, if you’ll have a regent or council. Perhaps picking vassals and high born individuals to take up certain positions.

Potentially your kingdom’s relationship to other kingdoms, and laws that govern your people.

It’s not set in stone yet exactly how it will work.