All : The Replica Series

well, i mean id like better to kick the veteran guardian of the girl that hurt our recruit :smile: if you can make him a man and … you know i kinda liked this choice…–> “End this with a groin kick.” :grinning:

oh @Tanniv did you see the scene where you visit imnek&recruit and eat pizza with them, it was in chapter 5 and it was very funny with henil as your recruit, even remembering it make me laugh, and in this scene you can truly feel that she likes you if you say you will visit her parents with her in christmas

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No, i’ve always gone to Tanaka’s to build up my relationship with Sean (apparantly i have a thing for complicated slighty egotistical people​:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) i’ll definitely check it out now though, thanks for the tip!:relaxed: @djisma69

When you mention Russell holding grudges do you mean towards the MC or other recruits in the game, because i’m slightly terrified of a vengeful Russell… Its always the sweet ones😄

@SharpOne will Henil have bayonetta level hair control later on? (meaning how will her and the other recruits power evolve/increase)

@anon4518890 You can try to hurt the veteran of the recruit or even the recruit herself (although the consequences greatly increase). As for if this veteran is a man or woman… I’ll leave that a surprise, but who knows you may have already met this person… :wink:

@Tanniv Russell can hold a grudge against everyone. A good example is when you first meet and defeat him and hand him the water. He acts begrudgingly. This grudge will come up in a future training session.

@kingokami Actually her power has very little to do with her hair. It’s more of a precursor as to what she will be able to do. Each recruit’s power is currently at its base level. Over time, they will start to get stronger and gain new abilities, but they will always be connected to their base level. Henil’s will revolve around snakes, Abigail’s around temperature, Russell’s around the three molecular forms (gas, liquid and solid), and Danesh’s around blood.

NPC recruits will also change. Sean’s recruit, Clara, has a healing ability. Hers will change as well as your recruits.


so far I like this alot :stuck_out_tongue: cant wait for more

Hmm, I got the Rami fight for the first time ever.

He knows what our power is even if you don’t tell people what it is, did he abuse his authority to look into my character’s files?

Also, unless the Grey is holding back because Rami is such a psychotic cheater that the Grey isn’t willing to risk your life by using Rami’s power.

Or at least, I get the impression that we’re supposed to think of Rami just being that good, but as it is “psychotic cheater” is pretty much all I can come up with.

I dont know, but I would say that for me he is “that good” or just “better than the MC”.
I didn’t feel the “psychotic cheater” vibe but it would be interesting if I just missed this. Nice thing to develop in game I guess.
And could you explain a little more the [quote=“stsword, post:348, topic:2500”]
Also, unless the Grey is holding back because Rami is such a psychotic cheater that the Grey isn’t willing to risk your life by using Rami’s power.
[/quote] please? I am afraid I misunderstood. :-3

Tehani, I take it you never tried fighting Rami with the enhanced intelligence evolution.

The grey tells you that its unwilling to share a single secret of Rami's because Rami would literally kill you.

Fight him with the enhanced defense evolution and he’s unwilling to fight against the grey and you with enhanced defense.

Plus he apparently abused his privilege as the MC’s superior to look up what their power is, while being unwilling to reveal his own.

Then look at the paradox of him being able to defeat both you and the grey you summon from him. There is absolutely no superpower I can think of that would allow one to defeat an opponent with the exact same skills and power and has a numerical advantage over him.

If it's superspeed, the grey would be just as fast and skilled, the way to win would be to go after the MC because they would be the weak link, but Rami doesn't do that, Rami can just take on both himself and the MC at the same time.

If Rami could alter probabilities so he always wins, the Grey would be able to do that itself, power stalemate plus numerical advantage.

If Rami had the power to develop any power it took to defeat an opponent, the Grey would have the exact same power, power stalemate plus numerical advantage.
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@stsword Hm hm, no I am pretty sure I have tried all the options of this fight, I remember more or less what the grey tells and what happens when the MC chooses the black or white. I guess I have to go play again, I begin to understand what you mean. :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for your interesting explanation. :smile:

my guess is that… even if you summon the grey that is the present… it doenst mean the replica is as powerfull as Rami in strengh etc… i think the replicas are a manifestation of the past,present,future of the “person you choose” with the exact same abilities but not exactly as powerfull as the REAL person xD

oh and

remember it exhaust the mc so not much of an advantage

Except no, when you explain your powers in the gym, you say the grey is identical to the target if they're powered, or superior to the target if they have no powers.

Now it might be the pyschometric doppelgangers might have a limit on how much power they can channel, but for that assumption to make sense you would have to assume that the MC somehow never ever made a duplicate of someone too powerful despite working for the organization, dealing with other superpowered individuals every day for several years and yet somehow never ever noticed this limit, even when the MC's mentor  Amata was practically worshipped as a god for her combat prowess.

So that doesn’t logically work, if the Grey had limits like that the MC would have been aware of it for years now.

It would make sense if the game mentioned the MC’s power had a limit like that, as it is we can either believe that Rami can break the laws of physics, logic, and common sense, or he’s a @###ing cheater.

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No, he didn’t. After fighting Sean the MC tells everyone in the room about their power, Rami included. That’s how he knew about it.

[quote=“stsword, post:350, topic:2500”]
Fight him with the enhanced defense evolution and he’s unwilling to fight against the grey and you with enhanced defense.
[/quote]I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that gave me that impression, could you tell me what choices you picked?

[quote=“stsword, post:353, topic:2500”]
It would make sense if the game mentioned the MC’s power had a limit like that, as it is we can either believe that Rami can break the laws of physics, logic, and common sense, or he’s a @#$#$#ing cheater.
[/quote]I can’t comment on whether it’s impossible or not for the MC plus a replica to best him,seeing as I know nothing about his powers, but I really don’t see how being unable to beat him somehow makes him a cheater.
How would he even cheat in that situation?

[quote=“stsword, post:353, topic:2500”]
MC’s mentor Amata was practically worshipped as a god for her combat prowess.
I think you might be confusing Amat with Bingwen. Bingwen was the MC’s veteran and had a very weak power, choosing to focus on his battle skills instead.

@Sepulchre Thanks, that’s good to hear! :smile:

@stsword Rami witnessed the MC’s power in Chapter 3 in the scene @SomethingSome described. Could you explain what made Rami feel like a ‘psychotic cheater’ to you? I was going for ‘he’s too good for your level of skill’.

You’re right in that Rami asks you to fight him one on one. But the only reason he asked that of you is because it gives him a distinct advantage beyond the obvious skill difference. His motivation is simply to make it very well known that he is that much better than you and you know it. Also he enjoys making others uncomfortable. So when he says, ‘it’s just the two of us…’ he’s testing you. However, none of this is explained in the scene. This is my oversight. I think I didn’t put anything even close to an explanation in because I assumed everyone would already know what I meant, which doesn’t make any sense. I’ve already added this to my revision list and I’m sorry for the inconvenience and confusion.

As for the MC’s mentor who is ‘practically worshiped as a god for her combat prowess’ I think you’re referring to Mentor (the one who is in the scene where you select and fight your recruit and who is in charge of the class before you’re flashback). Again, I think this is my oversight. I never defined ‘combat’ in the game and just assumed it meant the same to everyone. For me it means no powers. It’s about martial arts, hand-to-hand fighting and weapon use. :sweat_smile: Sorry and I’ll add that to the revision too.

@anon4518890 Well, typically it is identical to the real person, but Rami has very spoilery secrets.

@stsword, @anon4518890, @Tehani and @SomethingSome I really enjoyed reading these comments and loved the questions and points all of you had.

As for Rami, his abilities are meant to be a mystery until a certain point in the main story line. I went through the game and saw I made a grave mistake. :scream: After you’re first flashback (bingwen’s death scene) you speak with Mentor Nyura. Here it says that ‘A long time ago in my regular sessions with Mentor Nyura as a child, we discovered just how unique my power is.’ It’s not unique just rare and different. Rami just happens to be as rare and different as the MC.

I’ll add a rare and different concept explanation to my revision list as well.


If Ram8’s power is something along the lines of deciding the fates etc then if he had activated his power before you sumon the grey then even the grey whouldnt be able to change the outcome he had decided for the fight beforehand. (in other words his power whould be to eliminate every other possible out come except for the one he desired ) that whould also explain why the grey didn’t use a power during the fight.

It could also be an ability that suppresses other abilitys. He could then make the MC weaker wich whould make the grey weaker and also make the effect the grey has on him weaker. it could give a result like this:

MC at 50%power =grey at 50% power and Rami at 75%power that whould mean that if he is sufficiently more skilled then the MC (2 or 3 times as skilled) he could take on both the mc and the grey and win.


That’s pretty much how I read the whole “one-on-one” thing with Rami myself.

Just noticed one thing though; with the Intelligence evolution the MC can communicate with the Replica via a sort of spoken telepathy, yes? Then why can’t The Grey just tell the MC what Rami’s power and/or secrets are through that?

Would Rami still be able to somehow know that his secrets were revealed or is The Grey just really not willing to risk it?

SomethingSome, you are right, I had forgotten that the MC opens his big mouth after the fight.

On to your question, the Grey could tell the MC everything, but that Rami would literally kill the MC, and since the psychometric doppelgangers die if the MC dies.

I’d like an option to disregard the options and summon all three doppelgangers, and since at that point it’s a fight to the death they just flat out murder Rami. I’m sure the organization would be displeased, but the MC getting a reputation as someone who is either a murderer or can’t control their power would make for a different run through later. Just a thought.

I’d suggest rewriting a few things, SharpOne, because someone going on and on about how awesome they are while being unwilling to fight the MC at full power doesn’t suggest trolling, it suggests he’s all hat and no cattle.

For example, in the defensive evolution playthrough after demanding that the MC only fight at 33% power, he actually wants you to release the grey and fight him with your shields.

Yeah, mister wonderful wants to fight the MC at 16% power. At that point the MC ought to be able to ask Rami if he’d rather we fight with the MC straightjacketed, blindfolded, and knocked unconscious, or if he’d like ankle restraints too.

If you do want him to come across as just that good, have him fight strategically- holding off his Grey doppelganger while taking shots at the more vulnerable MC, who is the weak link, that would make perfect sense. As it is apparently Rami is faster than himself, and able to outwit himself (since the Grey seems to pretty much duplicate the mind as well which means the Grey knows Rami’s tactics and skills, weaknesses and limitations just as well as Rami does).

Alexxo97, if Rami’s power was power suppression, then when he suppresses the grey to half power, and the grey suppresses his power to 75% then the grey would rise up to 62.5% which would then lower Rami’s power to 68.75%, etc, etc. Unless you are talking about the power suppression being a one of power rather than a continuous effect. :slight_smile:

However, if he used the power reduction on the MC, it would have to be a by a small degree- since the grey duplicates the target, I would have to assume that a reduced grey would be sluggish, and frail, which the MC doesn't notice.  If instead Rami uses the power reduction power on the grey itself, reducing the grey's reducing power, that leaves his ability to be both faster and smarter than himself unexplained.

PS Sharp One, didn’t you say that while powers might be similar, all powers are unique within the power users lifetime? I’d go with it not being a mistake, but the mentor trying to pump up the MC’s confidence with a lie of omission

Also jsut thought about it but the grey actually channels the power. so the grey could actually have less physical prowess then the real rami in terms of speed etc. Then we could assume that Rami didn’t use his power and that for some reason or other the Grey didn’t use it either. (not totally sure this works though) its midnight over here so my brain is like GO TO BED!

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[quote=“stsword, post:358, topic:2500”]
On to your question, the Grey could tell the MC everything, but that Rami would literally kill the MC, and since the psychometric doppelgangers die if the MC dies.[/quote]
Yes, I’m aware :smile: I was just wondering why the Replica didn’t tell the MC anything through the mental link specifically, as well as pointing out a possible plot hole: the MC not attempting/not being given the option to ask for Rami’s secrets through said mental link.

[quote=“stsword, post:358, topic:2500”]
I’d like an option to disregard the options and summon all three doppelgangers, and since at that point it’s a fight to the death they just flat out murder Rami.[/quote]An option to summon all of the Replicas is already present in the game, pick the Weapons evolution, ask The Grey for what else it can create, choose to “stop screwing around and summon all of the Replicas”. (Or something of the sort.)
You likely won’t like the result though. Rami still wins.

You’re also already given the option to break the agreement, and even so Rami doesn’t actually try to kill the MC.

[quote=“stsword, post:358, topic:2500”]
I’d suggest rewriting a few things, SharpOne, because someone going on and on about how awesome they are while being unwilling to fight the MC at full power doesn’t suggest trolling, it suggests he’s all hat and no cattle.[/quote]I don’t really understand what the problem is?

Rami is unwilling to fight the MC while they use The White or Black Replicas due to personal reasons (according to him), yes, but counting how easily he takes the MC and Grey Replica down, I would disagree with the conclusion that he’s all talk just because of his request.
Even if it might give the reader/MC that idea his performance during the fight should probably clear that up. He doesn’t even break a sweat while Sean, someone more the MC’s equal, can be somewhat easily defeated with just one Replica.

If you believe that his conditions for the match are unfair, dishonest, or anything of the sort, then the game already allows the MC to disagree with his proposition.

What do you think should to be changed? And how?

(on another note, I’d never heard the expression “all hat and no cattle” before! Was a bit confused there for a second :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

[quote=“stsword, post:358, topic:2500”]
As it is apparently Rami is faster than himself, and able to outwit himself[/quote] The imperative word here is just that: “apparently”. We are not seeing the full picture, until we do so most of what we can say regarding Rami and his abilities are (nearly baseless) speculation.

What we know of Rami skills can be easily summarised to: he is Muscle Unit, level and power unknown, focused on speed, and can somehow go around The Grey, which should be a perfect replica of him.
Unless I’ve missed something ofc.

@alexxo97 I thought of that too, but since, according to the MC, a Grey Replica is capable of the same things that the replicated subject is (including copying powers in those who have them, or display increased strength/speed/etc in those who don’t), there is little evidence supporting that hypothesis. So, IDK. :dizzy_face:

The “power to decide the fates/outcome of matches” is an interesting idea though, albeit it would probably make him too OP.


Hey, I like where the story is going. However, I think it might be a good idea to include what you wrote in Post 303 into the stats page. A brief description of what each stat does definitely make the gameplay more enriching. At least it makes me understand the story better.