All : The Replica Series

I mean through out the game? Can you explain with the other stats as well Also will the mc be on the level of remi also will we be with our student over the years where they can become badasses of their own and go on missions with them, by ourselves or with the other vets since we could really see the mc and the other vets not hold back since they our enemies maybe human or with powers like the mc. And speaking of the vets can we romance any of them and get to hang out like in bars and such to get to know them and the mc more?

This is going to be one very long post.

@Razgriz and @OtherGrimm When I wrote that scene I remember watching a commercial for orange juice… so this may go even higher…

@Reaper_General Intelligence isn’t about your inherent knowledge or ability to learn quickly. It’s about a desire to learn more and applying knowledge and skill. Intelligence is typically increased through preparation or outmaneuvering your opponent. It’s tactic heavy and doesn’t involve rushing forward without a plan. If you want to increase this then pick choices that sound like you’re trying to outsmart someone (in your first fight with your recruit you can yell at them: ‘Yell at her. Why exert too much energy when I just need to break her much needed focus. A dramatic and believable shout should do the trick.’ or after your first breakfast you can choose where to sit, if you sit by yourself to prepare for your upcoming mission you’ll increase your intelligence). You’re the strategist of any team.

Stealth focuses on taking whatever advantages you can get. It’s also about awareness. If your opponent has a weakness then you’ll take it no matter what it is (a physical injury or ailment or a mental one). You always see how someone might get the drop on you and have a plan to prevent it. It also encompasses the traditional definition (cautious movements and staying hidden). Picking choices that eventually put you in an advantageous position or reveals your paranoia increases this stat. (your first fight with your recruit ‘Jump back to create some distance. He’ll think I’m retreating and keep coming more determined but really I’ll roll to the side then forward, ending up behind him’.) You’re the ‘finishing blow’ of any team.

Strength is about action. You can take and give hits, but the true focus is being the first person to engage. You’ll always put yourself in the thick of danger because if anyone can come out alive its you. You have physical strength, but mental and emotional strength as well (helps you deal with difficult or stressful situations). Your inner strength ensures that no one can get information out of you no matter their methods. In essence you’re ‘the rock’ of any team.

Agility is more than just your speed. You’re flexible, acrobatic and innovative. You have the ability to move quickly and easily to catch your opponents when their unprepared. You rarely get hit and can escape most confines. This also goes beyond your physical skills as you can also draw conclusions quickly and keep up with multiple conversations at once. You’re the scout of any team.

Charisma and Presence are stats that relate to how you carry yourself. Charisma lets you persuade those around you with the spoken or written word while presence is an intimidating aura that you exude, which bends other to agree with you or quiet down. Unlike presence, charisma is limited to speech, but it doesn’t force its way, which allows relationships to remain intact.

The Muscle Unit will train you in any stat, but they like specializations. So if you want to focus on one main skill and a few back ups then they should be considered. The Vital Unit focuses on intelligence and agility. The Enforcer Unit is the opposite of the Muscle Unit in that they like a balance. It’s a longer and slower road, but if you want to have all options available then this is the unit to be considered. Charisma and Presence are usually increased in everyday conversations and don’t fall into one specific unit. Strength and stealth can be increased in certain everyday choices (like in mentor harrison’s class when you pick what seat you want), but mostly through combat.

The Skill stat is only related to your power. It’s the control and mastery you have over it and can be increased through very specific choices and some story related scenes/choices.

Rami’s level is reachable and its possible to go beyond him. The recruits will get stronger with time and there will be certain missions that they will accompany you on (your relationship affects how many of these will be available). You can make them into your average veteran or into an unbeatable weapon. It depends on how much you train, if they want to train (a relationship effect) and what you trained them in. Each recruit has skills they’re naturally gifted in so if you train them in those skills the stat will be higher than if you start from the ground up on a different set of skills.

Being on a mission is very different than sparring. There is no holding back for fear that it will get someone killed. Missions are serious and no matter how kind or compassionate someone is they’ll turn into whatever is necessary. (A lot of people are okay with this, but some are concerned. Getting to know your fellow veterans will tell you who’s who.) Being a non powered or powered one doesn’t mean anything on a mission. As far as your concerned everyone has the potential to be dangerous.

Right now, you can romance 20 different people. The lowest ranking ones are at your rank (Veteran Recruit) and will grow with you. Chapter 5 has a taste of hanging out and getting to know some people if you’re interested in seeing how I handle it. Some people go slow others not so much.

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Alright thanks for all the info and sorry for making explain all of it. I can’t wait for more chapters and to play the full game. Also who is your favourite recruit mine is danesh because he’s cool and has blood powers

@Reaper_General Your welcome and don’t worry about it. Giving explanations always makes me question them (why is that? does that make sense? doesn’t that disprove that other thing? etc). So I like it when people ask me for clarification and I enjoy having something explained to me.

I’m glad you like it! Before I write Chapter 6 I’ll be doing a revision for everything I have. Right now I’m adding a personality choice and changing the MC’s dialogue to reflect that. I’m making pretty good progress and I hope it’ll be done quickly.

As for my favorite recruit, I really can’t answer that. For every character I create I take an aspect of myself and use that as a base. So in every character I see something I like and something I don’t. Not only are the four recruits very different in personality, but I know everything about them especially the challenges they’ll face and how’ll they come to grow. For me, it’s hard not to like them all.

Cool I can’t wait though does Henil has to such a stuck up bitch because I try to be nice and it doesn’t work I don’t take her shit and she going to be more of a bitch so yeah she would have to be my least favorite, then Russell just power wise then amber? (The black girl) like her personality and power.

So you must hate your hair! That’s why the one recruit hair can fall out.

@Reaper_General Henil is difficult because she doesn’t want to be there. She wants the life she had and thinks if she’s miserable and everyone around her is miserable then she’ll be allowed to go home. At the end of Chapter 5, the MC takes her to Mentor Nyura (the resident therapist) to work out her issues. This is when she is out right told her life will never be the same and she must accept that. This will result in a small attitude improvement and the Christmas holiday will be her most transformative (especially if the MC joins her on her visit to her parents) moment (not that it’s available yet).

Each recruit will face some form of trauma or tragedy that will change them. How much they change is up to the MC. Of course it’s not just their behavior that’ll be changing. :wink:

@vampierkid222 Not true. Imnek and Sean have fantastic hair! :smile:


Dang lol humm back to my investigation then. Also I’m loving the update but dose your replica turn into a shiled or amor when you pick the barrier option Iv picked it and chose to fight the muscle unit guy but I didn’t really get it.

what did u say about my cute blonde rebel girl? i have to say i think you did not pay sufficient attention to henil if thats your opinion about her…she was happy living with her parents before some unknown people say shes a danger and have to go with them....shes the type to say one thing and think another, i find her quite cute and funny (You sicko pervert xD) :smile:

Dont change henil, :smile:

@vampierkid222 Sorry about the confusion. They can release three three inch tendrils that move own their own. They attach themselves to the wrists and neck as if trying to disguise themselves as jewelry. These tendrils can thin out and protect a limited amount of skin, jump off and block attacks, create masks to block poisons and serve as a shield should all three be combined. The replicas can only summon three at a time and only if all three are broken can they create new ones. This is an explanation given when you spar by yourself, which was the first time I wrote out the explanation and until about 30 minutes ago completely forgot about. :blush: If this is clearer than I’ll update the description and if it’s not then I’ll update with a new description.

@anon4518890 I’m glad you like her! Sometimes I worry no one finds her likable/relatable.

I also quite like henil I choose her most often as my recruit

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Oh I know that and understand it clearly she just doesn’t have to be such an annoying brat who constantly disobey my orders though if she becomes tsundere then she will be my second fav since I like tsunderes

I personally I love all of the recruits equally, they each bring out a different side of me. Henil brings out the tough love side or even my bitchy side just to side who can be a bigger y’know… Russell brings out my over-protective side and trying make him as strong as he can be or I sometimes like to play through with my emotionally distant MC just to see how that will affect him. Abigail? She reminds me alot myself so I just want to nuture her powers and intelligence, I want her to be a badass spy type chick (I’m thinking of the Natasha type from Avenger), so I want my MC to train alot with her to give her lots of experience. Danesh he just reminds me of the hyper active loveable younger brother type, I also want him to reach his full potential and have him become the Muscle Unit type, him and my MC would become invincible.

“What’s our plan?” Josephine looks to me.

“Stealth. I will create The Grey replica of Josephine to aid in this. We will break into teams of two and find that finish line.”

“We stick together. We’ll be stronger and ready for what team 6 will throw at us. I will create The White replica of Sara to aid in this.”

“I’ll create The Black replica of Markus before we split up to cover us much ground as possible and find that finish line.”

i noticed what i believe is a spelling error in choice 3
“I’ll create The Black replica of Markus before we split up to cover us much ground as possible and find that finish line.”

should probably be

“I’ll create The Black replica of Markus before we split up to cover as much ground as possible and find that finish line.”

trying to find more stuff to help with but that’s all Ive seen in 2 goes so far

@Zeus I’m glad she has some fans!

@Reaper_General If you get your relationship high even then she’ll warm up to you.

@PenguinSoup I wanted each recruit to be so different that they bring something unique to each playthrough so I’m glad they bring out a different side of you.

@Drakeye Thanks for seeing that! It should be fixed now.

Hi! I’ve been playing through your demo trying to see all the little variations (and WOW are there a lot!) and I noticed that in some flirting choices with Anon the game seemed to skip scenes.

For example, while in Anon’s room, picking:

#I smile at him and chuckle softly when he looks me in the eye.  I am very much interested in a romance.

skips immediately to a scene that starts as:

I stubbornly stand on my own then head for the door. (...)

Some other choices in the room and when walking to the cafeteria do this or similar as well, such as this:

Anon looks forward and stays quiet for a few moments. 

… … … … 

"So how hesitant are we talking?" I look at his hand and smother the idea of holding it. Baby steps. 

It feels like there’s something missing before the MC’s line.

After the fight to show of “unbelievable skill and power”, upon returning to Henil’s room the game forgets that Henil is a girl:

“You’ll learn that when your classes and summons start.” His Mentors are trained in how to tell him that rape, murder, and mutilation were once happenings in these halls. I think it’s best to leave it to the professionals.


The last two pages where the white replica is talking to me need another edit pass. You have words missing in several sentences.

@SomethingSome Thanks for catching that! What’s missing is a a variation in Anon’s dialogue based on the MC’s gender. I think I’ve fixed the problem. I’ve run through the game several times and can’t find any skips, but if you see anymore please let me know.

@LordOfLA I’ve fixed the gender problem with Henil. And added the missing words to the end. Thanks for seeing those! :smile:

Sorry to interrupt (HUGEFAN) but I got an error while visiting Immek and Mateo with Abigail. Did you not finish this rout yet or am I just unlucky?

@yagamikuuno Sorry, that was my mistake. It should be fixed now. Chapter 5 is finished so now you should be able to play until the end. It’s great to have a fan and I hope you’re enjoying the update!