
*achievement a1 visible 40 Named
Have a name
You have been named

*achieve a1

Just a practice achievement for now.

Hm. This might just a guess, but try changing both a1 into something else, say, abc1.
Otherwise, follow the standard startup.txt setup:




still not working, also doesn’t work with a word without a number at the end and only a number comes up with it’s own error

*achievement a1 visible 40 Named
    Have a name
    You have been named

It’s formatted like this, right? And *achieve a1 Is indented inline with the text above it too?

yeah, indentation isn’t the issue

Hmm, I’m running out of ideas. Alertify is part of JS inner function, so it shouldn’t pop out as an error without something wild going on behind the scenes, or I’m missing something so simple.

Are you testing in dashingdon or locally?

Locally, I don’t want to upload it to dashindon while it has such a fundamental error
Did a test in dashingdon, works now, no idea why

How do you test it? Did you follow the steps mentioned in the CoG blog here?

Or did you go manual by “uploading” the folder for each page refresh?

Oh, and to narrow it down, does your game runs smoothly without all the achievement setups?

hmm, my nodejs could be out of date or straight up broken

functions properly in dashingon, so I guess there’s no actual problem, but it makes testing a pain when it doesn’t function locally, updated my nodejs so that wasn’t it
did manual refreshals and achievements are definitely the only problem