A Witch's Path (WIP)

Nope the town has 0 airports and highways to leave or enter the city. Only way to get into the city is by train or boat… or walk the miles of forest.

Well I just said it’s the size of San Francisco as a example in the story the MC will just comment that it’s bigger than most small towns.

All good but I want something a little more catchy if that makes sense :sweat_smile:

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What’s wrong with “The Prophesy Child”? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The Announced
The Unleashed (One)
The Hallowed (One)
The Favored (One)
The Lodestar
The Unearthly (One)
The Revelation

Yes, my suggestions do sound as if they could be titles in a series of YA paranormal romances…


I hear ya. It’s a hard one. I’ll keep thinking. But what about this…

I read on, lots more references said that was a legit translation so ignore the negative response on the screenshot if you like the name and do the same search to confirm

Some great ones there!

Also the way you wrote endowed… Snicker

Other coven member: is that a snake in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
MC: um, it’s my familiar, boobookittyfuck…
awkward silence


You just inflated the ego of every male mc. :joy:


Personally I’d like to be known as “Jadite the Knowing” or “Jadite the Merciful”… but my Night Coven friends would laugh their asses off :cry:

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Not even one single normal road? That’s highly unusual. (I think it’s even technically illegal in this country) People usually prefer cars and planes because they’re comfortable (well, planes not so much these days if you’re flying economy, but at least they’re fast). Neither train nor boat are exactly comfortable or fast means of travel.
No, not even a super-deluxe private yacht would be “comfortable” if my mc has the same affliction I do, meaning he’d get seasick as soon as he sees a boat.
I suppose helicopters could be used in a pinch, maybe the Night Coven have some? And you can land light aircraft on grass or dirt.

I think there are parts of Scotland (the mainland, that is) that can only be reached by ferry… but yeah, this is pretty unusual, unless it is on an island.

It either isn’t or it has something like a kilometers long railway bridge or tunnel connecting, which would be rather strange.
Plus you’d think there would at least be several dirt tracks or roads through that forest, unless it is infested with magical creatures or something.

And in that case, magic wouldn’t exactly be unknown… I suppose that the covens might have set up the city so that is was (almost) completely isolated, although I couldn’t say why.

Yeah, that’s the most logical explanation, kind of like Juneau Alaska, but without the airport and with a rail, but not a road, connection for some reason.
As for the forest maybe the covens explain that away by it being a national park known for it’s highly dangerous, but mundane, wilflife. Maybe the whole area is under an illusion or glamour spell that makes non-witches really think they are about to be attacked and devoured by a normal bear or something, when in reality it’s a magical horror. Or else the “secret” coven might be the reason those woods are so dangerous of course.

Maybe it’s because of all the church my mom forced on me (:sob:) but I really dig this one of your option. Revelation’s such a heavy word and, apparently, the MC has the option to be end times.

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Spoiler! so i heard that we will be able to use all powers that ever existed when we awaken but dos that meet all power that has existed or does it mean all powers that will ever exist because if its all powers that ever will exist we can do anything because we can use even powers that have not existed yet because they might exist in the future you could literally just do anything create a new planet sure cuz it might exist in the future new life forms why not might exist in the future

This WIP reached a 1000 posts without having a single damn link about the game up.

Color me impressed.


How about the undying mage which shows how the mc has all magic since they learned it all for centuries or crowned king/queen of magic

The town has streets to drive in but you’ll have to use boats or train to exit the town.
There is no glamour in the forest just miles and miles of forest with some parts humans haven’t set foot in but Witches have. There are magical locations and magical creatures in the forest but there was never a need for a glamour because the forest is filled with deadly vengeful spirits, demons and yes it’s a safe place for the Secret Coven to live. I don’t if you guys have seen the new American Horror Story season 6 but it’s like those ghost that live in the forest. It’s safe for Witches who know protection spells against spirits but it’s not safe for any one else. I would post a video of a example of this but the only video has… Blood gore and adult stuff so better just let you guys check it out yourself :wink: the video is called:
Lady Gaga, Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates - American Horror Story Season 6 Ep2/3
So if you are curious watch it.
Oh and it contains Spoilers.

People just helping me out so I can make this a good story :blush: I’m grateful that I have a lot of people commenting and helping me figure some stuff out.