A Witch's Path (WIP)

it’s obvious that I am not reading the others’ comment in the forum and this is against the rules and guidelines of the forum
Am I missing out the demo link??? Because everyone’s talking about the NPC’s name change then twins then the aunt and so on. I feel I am missing out almost everything.

And to the admins, I am very sorry for breaking the rules ^^".

the demo is not out yet maybe it will be at the end of October but thats just a guess

Lol umm no you look like a regular human still? The only difference is when you use magic/powers your irises glow the color of your aura.
The only way your appearance will drastically change like that is if your a Secret Coven Witch then your butt ugly but hide it with magic.

No demo people are just helping me out with the story and such when I ask for it. I also have talked about certain things in the story when asked.


ooohh I live this, can’t wait

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Just added a jealousy scene with Claudia and female MC where a group of jocks pass her to get to the MC to talk to her/flirt. lol Claudia will get even more pissed if you decide to listen to their compliments and stuff lol.


And thus begins the history lesson for future witches on the jealousy wars that spanned 50 years which is believed to have started by a few jocks picking one witch unknowingly over the other…


Lol and we mourn the losses of those jocks who mysteriously went missing after that careless choice.


Wouldn’t the MC question the fact that their dad aparrently doesn’t need sustenance to survive before they learn that their a witch

Your aunt will have him be connected to a bunch of fake hospital machines and will tell you a nurse comes to check on him every day while your at school.


Will every ro get a jealousy scene ?

Not like what I described. Only Claudia, Jasper, and Nate will be jealous of the MC in situations like that.
The others and those 3 will only get jealous if you spend time with their rivals.


Does Claudia get jealous of a male MC too?


What will Jasper jealousy be like?

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Hm, sounds good to me. xD

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that would be cool, are you gonna do the same but with a male MC?

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jocks pass Claudia to flirt with MC

MC passes jocks to flirt with Claudia


MC passes Claudia to flirt with jocks? :blush:


Aww…but my mc only has eyes for Zack/Jasper and Thomas of course. Mmm…it does seem like Jasper/Zack will be the most popular boy in town in my playthrough then, but I guess that can’t be helped.


Lol no only if female MC try’s to take her spot light. Girls know not to flirt with her man lol and if your not dating and swarmed by girls she’ll shoo them away and save you from lower beings flaunting over you lol.

He’ll get really mad if you’re better at things than him. Say he makes a seed grow into a fully grown flowers while you turn the tree into a fully grown tree he will be angry that you one up him.

Only if the male MC looks like their mom.

Lol then she will be very pleased with you then plan her revenge on those Jocks.

Lol as long as you let him win in magic and art you should be fine.


Ugggghh I’m soooo annoyed with myself. Spent most of the night last night, the night before, and all day yesterday working on a random story I thought of in the blue. It was just a rush of inspiration and I couldn’t help but work on.
But would like to talk about it because I might work on it after this lol. Do you think it’s allowed to have 2 WIPs one just to talk about the idea and help with while I work on this story?