A Tale of Heroes (WIP) - 218k words. Updated 12/17/2023 with Chapter 6: Part One!

So, green-ish then? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The main conservative party using a shade of green will be a shock to present day Americans in our universe Iā€™m sure. Then again coming from a green party myself there has been a growing segment of tories on bikes as some call them or the tech-bro wing who preach technological and market driven/private solutions over state ones for years now in many of our European green parties.


Well, something closer to Turquoise than anything else, butā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue: Honestly, despite all the thoughts to the backgrounds and such, a decent bit of the ā€œaestheticsā€ for both parties come from what I deal with irl. The DR has both the Dominican Liberation Party and the Dominican Revolutionary party, though Iā€™ve more or less swapped their positions for AToH.

The main people of both parties are more mixed, but Governor Maya is more or less based on an early Juan Bosch thatā€™s watered down with some Bernie Sanders, while Gloria is a mix of Teddy Roosevelt andā€¦ certain other historical figures who said something about iron, blood, and the next big blow up coming from somewhere in the damned Balkans.

Youā€™re right that the Liberators want to let private enterprises come up with the solutions, though. I mean, theyā€™ve done such a good job all the time.

Just look at the Coltellos, and how well they worked on those massive armored suā€¦

Never mindā€¦


Letā€™s face it, unless Nova goes private (which, lol), every other piece of private-developed tech is just gonna be ā€œit exists, I guess?ā€ level.

Considering that ā€œmaking thingsā€ is literally half of Novaā€™s power set, itā€™d be weird if I did. Itā€™d make me half a Nova. :laughing:
Maybe I DO have an idea.
Because I AM half a Nova.
Specifically, the first part.
Iā€™m a No.
ā€œDo you have any superpowers?ā€ No.
ā€œDo you have any non-super powers?ā€ No.
ā€œAre you rich?ā€ Thatā€™s a superpower, and I already answered that. No.


Oh, you have no idea the kind of stuff that Nova will get up to making. I just started writing a certain piece of Chapter 5 where he comes in clutch, and thatā€™s just the beginning of it.

That said, weā€™re gonna see a lot of new tech that isnā€™t from Nova eventually. Itā€™s all gonna be beyond what we had in 2020 irl, though Iā€™m keeping under wraps what it is, exactly.

I can confirm most of it wonā€™t come from the US, though. Youā€™ll see. :slightly_smiling_face:


Nova is Tony Stark is this world lol. His only power is money


No, itā€™s not. Novaā€™s super-power is two-fold:

1 - Heā€™s basically Forge

2 - Heā€™s ALSO Taskmaster.

Novaā€™s not rich (beyond the fact that heā€™s getting bankrolled by Ignis, like the rest of the League).

I mean, presumably heā€™s not rich because he doesnā€™t want to, otherwise he could just sell off the specs to the Wing to the US military for a gajillion dollars and be swimming in it. Unfortunately for Novaā€™s bank account, he has morals, so thatā€™s unlikely to happen.


I love this!!! Dear author, you are amazing at storytelling! Please keep this up :ok_hand:


Sounds fascinating, will play!


So, I havenā€™t mentioned this on this thread, but I got a ton of feedback the other day regarding the start of the game. A lot of it wasnā€™t nice (mostly because I wasnā€™t meant to see it) but there were a few criticisms that were more than fair, and it spurred me on to do one of my sidegoals that Iā€™ve been planning for at least a few months:

Rewritting the prologue and Chapter 1.

First off, Iā€™m not going to change the story, so donā€™t feel a single bit of worry. The plot will remain the same, and I promise I wonā€™t take any other ROs away from you because of this :p. All thatā€™s happening is that Iā€™m making it so the first two sections of the game fit better with what comes after. Thereā€™s some dialogue changes (Other You has a more stable personality and resembles their later appearances better), and Iā€™ve reworked Latā€™s introduction, so she doesnā€™t come as out of left field.

Chapter 1 is getting more or less the same treatment. The story will remain the same, but my writing ā€œstyleā€ is more set in stone now, and thus things will ā€˜fitā€™ better. Iā€™m not going to tell you all the specifics though, mainly because I want there to be at least some surprises when you play through it.

Which brings me to my question. See, I know itā€™s beenā€¦ unbearably long since I last updated the game. Life has absolutely rolled me, and while I can say to you that Iā€™m still on the horse, I wouldnā€™t fault you guys for being tired of waiting. Chapter 5 is coming along well (and in fact Iā€™m more excited about it, because there was a section that had me pulling at my hair, and Iā€™ve now figured out how to deal with it), but itā€™s still a ways off.

Meanwhile, these re-writes are almost done. Theyā€™ve been very fun to do, and a lot of the dialogue just feels like it flows much better. Iā€™m really happy with how itā€™s turning out, as well as the fact that itā€™s being done at an insanely fast pace. I knocked out over 6000 words in just two days, or ~9 hours if only counting the time I was actually writing.

Soā€¦ while I work on Chapter 5, would you guys like to get this short update of a fresh prologue and chapter 1? Itā€™d be accompanied by some of the feedback I got for Chapter 4, including a ā€œsoloā€ outing that the MC can have, equal to the hang-out scenes with the rest of the cast.

I feel like you guys deserve something thatā€™s even a tad new, if only to serve as proof that progress is being made.

Iā€™ve set up a straw poll so I can hear your thoughts. Before I do that, though, to be clear:

This rework and the Chapter 4 additions will not come out right now. Theyā€™re about a week and a half (maybe two) away. I can promise it should all be done by the end of the month, maybe the first week of July, at worst.

If you would prefer to wait until Chapter 5 is done, so the update can be ā€œmeatierā€, then thatā€™s perfectly fine as well, but you should note that Chapter 5 is still very much a work in progress. I can assure you it will not be done by the end of this month, and I also cannot promise it will be done by the end of the next one.

Either way, here is the link, please leave a vote: What update would you all prefer? - Straw Poll

Iā€™ll stick to whatever you guys (and those on the Tumblr blog, since Iā€™ve posted the link there as well) decide, so feel entirely free to vote for what youā€™d prefer with no worries at all.


I hate when it happens but Gā€™Luck, perfecting art/story is always a good thing.

Whaaaat?!? Did you take away any of the previous ROs before? I did not know.

I think itā€™d be good either way but Iā€™d prefer it if you update it along with tbe Chapter 5.


Well, I still hold that Ignis counts as a RO despiteā€¦ everything, but enough people have made their position know that ā€œShe isnā€™t a ROā€ is an actual take. Itā€™s petered out a bit by now, but I still hear it every so often. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the good wishes and sharing your thoughts, by the way! Have missed you in the thread this past while. :smile:


I hope she is a RO. I like the unrequited love angle and the new blooming romance with someone else. Maybe have a inner conflict with herself about the feelings she has for both MC and Seeker and which is stronger then the other.


Itā€™s Seeker bro, thereā€™s no question lol.


Honestly, I think you should push out whatever version of the update you feel better about.

Do you feel iffy about pushing an update thatā€™s all rewrites and no story progress? Wait for rewrites+5.

Do you feel that youā€™re taking too long to publish an update (YOUR opinion, not anyone elseā€™s)? Push the rewrites on their own.

Whatever makes you feel better about your project and your progress, man.


More like she isnā€™t a full RO. Lol I do agree though, I want her as a proper RO.


Life is constantly trying to drag me down :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


Valid. Seeker is an odd character of mystery.

I agree like I commented above. Itā€™s your decision but at the same time Iā€™d prefer an update along with Chapter 5


@Jjcb ā€“ Your update will be ready when it is ready.

Iā€™d rather you release an update when you are both happy and ready to, not as ā€œproof of progress.ā€


Purely your own preference, would you like feedback just on the rewritten parts first, or would you rather hold off until everything is finished and your testerā€™s can play through it all at once and give feedback on everything all at once?


I have to admit, it does feel rather nice to know I still have all of you guysā€™ trust still. :sweat_smile:

Progress is going well still, I put down another 1.3k words last night, while I was waiting to see what you all though.

That said, this was kind of what I leaning towards, and the vote is wholly unanimous from what Iā€™m seeing, soā€¦ Weā€™ll wait until Chapter 5 is done, and then commit to a full update then!* Perhaps weā€™ll even break the 200k words barrier once itā€™s out? :grin:

Again, thank you all for sharing your thoughts, and offering some words of reassurance! I really appreciate it, and itā€™s definitely motivating to remember them while Iā€™m writing the story. :blush:

*Itā€™s going to be even better like this, I think. It allows me to come up with more ironic statements, like this one:

lat thinks she's funny



You have no chance of winning that one. She canonically has had feelings for Seeker for years, at best the MC is a distraction. Only way that changes is if her relationship with Seeker changes.