A SHRIEK OF ASH AND FIRE (WIP) [approx 50K UPDATE, 750K+ TOTAL-15th February 2025] (808K on Patreon)

Patreon Update 9- Royalists in the Revolution

For all my Krog-Tier patrons on Patreon, to be coming to the HG forums in about a month or so:

Hi, loyal supports of the Ancient Regime,

I present the Royalists in the Revolution update for you, more than 50K of new content bringing the total to 808K.

Here, we’ll return to the Despair’s Demise and put right what went wrong.

-Be greeted by the, really not quite right in the head, Evagrey twins, including a special scene for all your minions.

-Gather with Commodore Evagrey to receive your orders and get a promotion, perhaps 2.

-Negotiate peace with the Union of Enginae Mate rebels (and swabs too) to put an end to the fighting.

-Fight the last Basilisk holdout, meeting a change Avalina and, potentially, Father Roach.

-Deal with the recruitment from a bested Fort Ard to bolster the reduced crew of the Despair’s Demise.

-Receive a great revelation at the end of it all, before the crawler starts its turbines and engines to journey ever deeper into the ash.

Your arrival has given the Royalists the edge. But the crawler is badly damaged. Here, you will become more than a mere street rat from Graandardgard. Short-staffed and all, the crawler needs all capable hands to put to bed the ravages of revolution.

Please report any typos and bugs! I hope you enjoy it!

Glory to the King, Ardland and the Successor!



Quick typo / wrong word choice in the prologue:


Often, villages rush by, tidy red-brick things with chimneys, gardens and colourful displays of bunting. This secret world of farmer’s markets, woods and grass is beyond imagination…

Your revelry is often broken by the constables, sliding open a small window in the door to check on you.

Should be reverie, not revelry. The MC just got the shit kicked out of them and thrown in a cell. Seems unlikely they’d be throwing a sudden one-person rager. :smile:

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Promotion? Can the MC rise higher than Bastion Knight? Also, you capitalized the leter ‘o’.

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Great find The words are far too similar for me to catch when scanning back through and my inbuilt auto-correct defaults to revelry! (It will appear in the next update)

Cheers mate!


The Bastion Knight is not really a hierarchical rank but a set-aside order for loyal and capable warriors to turn them into death-dealing machines. Of course, inexperienced commissioned officers, and probably most inexperienced NCOs, might well hesitate when barking orders at a towering, humanoid machine. They are not used to seeing them at this point in history.

The promotions I am referring to give the MC actual authority, since the Royalists are short staffed after all the fighting. One is Captain of the Royal Militia, which gives you authority over the, mostly non-marine, rabble of fervent royalists, including the Roachpedes. The higher rank you might earn, though it is trickier, is Sheriff of the Commons, which gives your MC authority over the mid-decks, engine decks and underdecks, though not over the marines and etherneers and, of course, not over the higher decks or the nobles.


UPDATE 8 (approx 50K, 750k+ total- 15th February 2025)

The Basilisk and the Revolution

Please note, the Royalist Revolution Path is expanded, securing their primacy of the crawler, in the most recent Patreon build, for Krog Tier patrons.

-I have added a new TESTER START option, allowing you to begin as an engine mate in Fort Ard, ready to join the revolution on the side of the Basilisk.
-You will be reforged into a new class with new stats.
-Unleash new powers using your cog-and-coil panoply.
-Encounter a one-eyed beast from legend…
-Break Fort Ard before the will of the Basilisk before turning the city’s guns on the Despair’s Demise.
-Battle through the Crawler and bring Ash-Commodore Evagrey to heel.
-Perhaps connect coils with Avalina…
-Decide the final fate of Fort Ard in an invigorated crawler.

If you are one of those machine worshipping golem-wannabes, prepare to be fundamentally changed. Become an integral part of the Grand Mechanism of the Certain Future and claim the Despair’s Demise, the greatest weapon of the Behatland Union.

Find the link in the first post.

Please let me know if you find any typos and bugs, and I will fix them ASAP.


Great update as always I mean it’s only Ben out for a little over an hour and I already can’t wait for the next one

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Thanks, Lucifur! This update really shakes things up for your MC. I’ll post the royalist revolution path in a few weeks. And then we move on to the stinking rabble of rebels!

And then, Road Pirates and liches…

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Not yet at least. The MC is still far from being a powerful, influential, and High-Ranked Ash Marine

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Very true. But they still might have the influence to command the respect of the masses. All those grubby crawler folk would be crushed by the greatest ash marines- but, we still need them to keep the crawler going.

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