Hi Lucifur- You don’t need to have tinkering to get the runecraft skill. I just mean that if you already have the tinkering skill then runecraft will cover most of the same skill checks. In this case, the most significant player reward is the stat boost. It is still worth getting if you an engineer to cover all the bases though.
You should still get the skill, even if you have tinkering. I will check it.
You mean the DashingDon game doesn’t link here? It never crossed my mind. Is that what most people do? I didn’t do this for the whole of the last game- unless I have been very forgetful. I think you are much more of an expert with how these things work than me. I will put a link in, it is a very good idea!
EDIT: Yep, just found the space to put the link. All these links!!! Haha. It should now come with the option to go to this discussion. Cheers, my friend.
EDITEDIT: Just checked and the runecraft skill should appear no matter what other skills your character has. Like you said, if you already have engineering knowledge you will get some text explaining how you already know most of the stuff, but that you brushed up on your skills.