神龍之土 Land of the Dragon [WIP] (09/07/20 Update! The Uprising Appears!)

Kindaaa. In general to romance an RO you must raise their relationship (thought there will be special confession/romantic scenes for MCs whom chose to be super rude and w low r/s w the particular RO w specific conditions late in the game).

There will be approaches which ROs prefer to be romanced, but as long as r/s is raised or specific conditions r met you can succeed by the end of the game. But some ROs will never outrightly show acceptance of your feelings/flirt w you for various reasons, some spoilery and others grounded in characterisation :smirk:

So far the r/s stat raising options usually include one shy MC approach and one direct MC approach - in the future when personality stats are more established they may be merged into a single option where subtle VS direct affect MC’s response instead.

However I don’t think personality stats necessarily dictate a player’s desired approach to a r/s w an RO - or rather, I’d like to leave it up to MC to make a choice each interaction w the RO - so we’ll see about this. Although be warned if you flip flop too much in attitudes towards ROs your success in romancing them will be adversely affected.

What do you guys think about this RO system?


:smirk: tbh I aim for heavy foreshadowing and shedding new light on old clichés, so ahaha spoilers will be pretty easily guessed, I think. Actually it’s rly bc I just can’t be subtle :sob:

Soooo the answer in short is yes. Yes (a small portion of) the Uprising is going to gatecrash a particular upcoming event. :smirk:


Yup, thanks for the catch! I’ll fix it next update. And thanks for the kind comment, I hope you continue to enjoy everyone’s number 1 stoic but sweet personal guard!

This is actually pretty good so far! It’s still a bit short, but I really like how you write and how your systems will be set up. I have high expectations for this game, due to the fact that it’s also a rare gem of a game that unlike most stories here takes place in Ancient China.

I hope you can actually finish this game, and if you ever put it on the market, if it retains its uniqueness and the quality is consistent, I’ll definitely support you.

Thank you for your kind comment! I certainly hope to publish it one day, although that day may not come as soon as I predicted LmAo since this was supposed to be my holiday project. Its cultural/historical setting is definitely sth I wish to flesh out - that said as previous posters have commented there will be artistic liberties taken.

As for writing quality, I can’t guarantee that my style will not change throughout the no doubt lengthy duration of writing, but I hope not to disappoint! :smile:

The update was so good ;_; I’m happy. Yue is adorable, and I don’t like cats, so that’s something. And, of course, CHEN KUN. Ugh, I love him so much. I want to see one of those “something is simmering in the air” tense moments. And the prince(ss) will finally be free! I’m excited for the coronation, although… maybe something dangerous is lurking in the shadows!?

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Will it be possible to kill Chen Kun?

I like Chen Kun but it’s funny how below a post fangirling about him someone asks to kill him XD


The NERVE. :joy:
If you want to play as an evil MC, I get it… but my boy… geez.


My MCs not evil just annoyed. Don’t have to kill him, not being my body guard anymore works to. Don’t worry its just for my Prince, my Princess though is breathing in all the “shimmering air”.

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Okay, then ^^ Both will get him fired/killed anyway. One because he dislikes him and has the power to make his life hell, and the other because STAR-CROSSED LOVERS. Ugh. I live for the drama. And the tigers. And dragons. And cats. Empress of Animals.


I’m honestly worried about his loyalty to our mother, wonder how far it goes.

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Just a thought but for people that don’t like cats. You could imply somewhere that the cat attached themselves to us and follows us around, regardless of he feelings of the MC. Then give us options to ignore be rude to the cat… I don’t know. Maybe that would satisfy some people?


I don’t think he FEELS loyal to her. I think it’s his duty, and he owes her because the Empress was the one to get her the position and teach him magic. So… he respects her, but if it was a choice between her and the Prince(ss), he would choose the later. Depending on the relationship they have, of course. His undying loyalty goes towards the Prince(ss), IMO :blush:


(Individual replies later because I’ve got some things on right now BUT I just wanted to pop in to say :star_struck:

40k is no longer a dream!! yells into the void

That’s right folks for once I actually managed to (somewhat) keep to the schedule and pump out that word count… I know this might not be anything significant to anyone else lol but I’m a really slow writer and schedules?? What r those??

Being sure that I can keep up my writing speed will probably result in slightly longer updates bc I won’t worry as much about having to hiatus/switch to monthly updates etc.

As for narratively speaking I’m near the end of Chapter 1 (by which I mean probably a couple thousand to go?)
I’m not really experienced in writing COGs so what does everyone else think? Of course not all of it will be playeable in one playthrough bc of branching choices, but is this too short/long, fast/slow paced?


I’m glad u enjoyed the update! :heart_eyes:

There will be more “simmering (shh more like UST moments)” moments near the end of Chapter 1 w the RO of your choice (or stat establishing moments for those otherwise inclined) :smirk:

There is indeed danger… that the MC will never be free from narrative arcs LOL.


I actually haven’t thought about that, although there are certain other ROs/characters whose survival/final non-romancy endings will be determined by your choices, directly or indirectly.

But giving it some thought now… Hmm. We will have to see if MC may directly kill Chen Kun - the master-guard bond is a serious thing that will be explored in greater depth later especially for his RO routes - and I don’t want to include a kill option just for the sake of it w/o proper emotional buildup/aftermath but I will probably include an option to severe that bond permanently at the end of the game if r/s is very low.

Beware though, because faction support for player will largely be tied to either skill/character r/s w faction representative. So lowering r/s w main characters drastically may lead to a bad ending. Don’t worry, hopefully they’ll all come out multi-dimensional and not entirely hateable :disappointed_relieved: I hope…


Awww…but mage-boy is so cute, my mc would sooner sacrifice himself for the cutie then ask him to do the reverse or kill him, that would be so mean. :cry:

No he will die…

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Ye honestly, I’m trying to include options to make it possible to play as an absolute anti-hero (although maybe not to the extent of villain protag) etc culling wild animals, being a dick(wait can we swear on here is this counted) to everyone you talk to, acting like a spoilt royal etc…

I would love more anti-hero games so this is a small wish fulfillment lol.